Chapter sixteen

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Harry's POV

After meeting with Louis' sisters he felt more hopeful. Maybe Louis would actually want to be his friend. They said they were going to push Louis to make friends, so maybe it would work. There were a lot of maybes, but it was at least hope.

He got up this morning with a bit of spring in his step. Today was going to be a good day, he could feel it. He doesn't know why, but he just knows something good is going to happen today.

He got up took a shower, and got into his uniform. Everything was going to be great. He went downstairs an grabbed the breakfast his mum made. It was scrambled eggs and bacon.

"Good morning honey" his mum said.

"Good morning mum" he said smiling

"You seem happy this morning don't you" she said smiling back a him.

"Yeah I am. Today is going to be a good day, I know it is" he said excitedly.

His mum smiled at him, then went back to cleaning up the kitchen. He finished his breakfast, which was delicious. He grabbed his backpack and headed out the door yelling a 'goodbye' to his mum and dad.

He arrived at school twenty minutes later. When he went into the school and found Niall, Liam, and Zayn at his Coker he also noticed someone else in the hallway.

Just beyond his locker he saw the blue eyed boy he's come to know as Louis. Louis wasn't in the chapel before school, he was always in the chapel. Louis looked up from his locker and waved at him. He actually waved at him. He looked behind him to make sure that Louis was actually waving at him, and he actually was. He waved back and Louis smiled shyly.

Louis turned around and walked away. He walked towards his friends both confused and excited. Louis was being friendly with him, like actually friendly. Louis didn't ignore him, this fact made his heart flutter with joy.

"Did you guys see that" he asked his friends.

"See what" Liam asked.

"Louis waved at me" he said excitedly.

"I knew this would happen. You two would be so cute together" Niall said.

"I think he would only want to be my friend Niall" he said.

"Don't be so sure about that" Niall said.

"Mabey you're right, I don't know, it's just all really weird" he said.

"Well being friends with him will be interesting at least" Zayn said.

"Yeah" he said.

The bell rang and they all split up going to their separate classes. All throughout class all he could think of was Louis. Louis was so confusing, but in his heart he knew it was worth it. He couldn't tell why he just knew it was meant to be.

When lunch came around he got his food with Niall and sat down at his usual table. They started chatting and having fun together just like normal. Everything was normal until they were interrupted.

"Can I sit with you guys" Louis asked in a small voice.

"Yeah sure" he said moving to make room for Louis.

"Sorry I don't mean to intrude on your group" Louis said sitting down.

"It's no problem, right guys" he said.

"So Louis his come you were in the hallway thing morning instead of in the chapel like you usually are" he asked.

"Uh I don't know, I guess I just need a change" Louis said.

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