Orion's Last against Mandalor's Best

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In space, you can never really know what to expect when exploring. Whether it be the ancient unknown terrors of what is simply called "the maw" or the ruins of cultures long past. The fear of the unexpected can drive anyone down a road of paranoia that even the most stoic men can fall victim to if caught off guard.

The Sargent was not of such quality. After the years of experience he had in the field as well as suffering and experiencing his own terrors before, some of which were more ancient fact than mystery, he was accustomed to having to deal with the unknown before.

The unknown can not only lead to fear, but sometimes outstanding luck that he'd only ever known a super soldier to have in great amount. Yet he feels as though his is starting to run out slowly with time.

After Johnson and his men had dropped off the Republic War Criminal Savage Oppress in Jedi custody, he had left to go back to his ship. The topics discussed before hand leaving him mentally exhausted after the days events.

He was visited by the few Jedi he had known since his arrival in this vastly different galaxy... or was this just a different part of the galaxy? He still didn't know the way they write all that well, and considering Star charts were never easy to understand to begin with, he didn't get much help trying to learn where he was.

His men were currently eating in the mess hall of The SecondWind. He however was called back into the Jedi Temple, for his next mission. Not even a few hours back and he was getting thrown back into the fray, but this time it was playing baby sitter.

This next mission he was tasked with was to take place as guards for the first ever peace talks with the Separatists in an entirely neutral world of Mandalor. Considering he was given this mission by none other than, Plo Koon, Windu, Yoda and several other members of the Jedi council, with the noticeable lack of Kenobi and most other members, he took the chance to show the Jedi in the room he was still hot from their last encounter, so he wanted them to make it quick.

Short version of his orders? Babysit the Senators of the Republic while they negotiate with representatives of the Seperatists. One of the republics own being the Senator of Naboo, Padme Admidala.

On one mission he had taken with Skywalker over a year ago, in the middle of the republics war with the separatist droids, he had caught Skywalker in the middle of a holo call with the young woman saying their 'I love yous' and he, with the charisma of a five year old, gushed and overdramatized their shows of affection.

With hearty laughs he promised to never tell anyone of their secret marriage, and over time this became yet another reason for the respect earned by Skywalker and his political bride. The Senators all arrived and were practicing their talking points and speeches, Johnson and his cruisers captain Roy, stood at the ships ramp. Both talking about security detail and having ODST reinforcements at the ready to drop should the need arise. He was ready to do his job.

Yet when he was ordered to take the politicians to and from with a ship not his own, nor any drop ship he owned, he immediately was at odds with the Jedi Generals that out voted him. It took convincing from Skywalker himself but he was able to get over it and go along with the republic transport provided. Ashoka was even tasked with guarding them as well, representing the Jedi in the negotiations.

After all was said and done, they had loaded everyone into the cruiser and set their course for Mandalor.

The trip to the planet didn't take long. He had even gotten some basic trivia from Padme about their history. The unknown and rumored start of the culture starting along side humanity on courasaunt. Which he didn't believe in the slightest. To the basic understanding of their Neo Crusader wars to conquer the Galaxy however many thousands of years ago. To their more recent wars like the appropriately named 'Mandalorian wars'

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