Proving Warriors and Soldiers aren't so Different

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Sargent Johnson was well known in the Republic now. Not as Sargent Johnson but as GENERAL Johnson.

First of all, that was a title he never wanted, but now his actions have started, or rather have already gotten the attention of many politicians and others who have been trying to get him on their side. Mainly by trying to bribe their way to get on the planet he used as a training base where several hand selected troopers were always picked by Johnson himself to join in his ODST Program, which was pretty tight lipped.

Until now.

After the invasion of Umbara, Johnson had sat down with Rex, 5's Jessie and Tup. all of which were also extremely tired from the fight. He offered them a chance to take a breather and come visit his Boot Camp. which wasn't what it really was but it's what he called it. Eventually after resting they agreed and they were able to see his progress. So did Johnson see their progress while he was gone.

The Base was still relatively hidden but he could see the hundreds of blaster marks and scortched training droids they used in target practice. Not only that but there were paths that were marched on so much that the grass there had completely died with footprints being indented into the ground. That was only what he had seen after stepping off the Gunship.

He really needed to figure out how to get the engineers to build a Pelican or something.

After he arrived, the nearest officer welcomed them and offered to show Johnson where the ODST's were located. Conveniently, at the mess hall. Rex and the three troopers following were in awe at the space they found themselves in. Johnson tried his best to design the base as if it were a real Marine training camp. Minus all the 'out dated' tech the officers and engineers sent to help him with, said to not include.

Either way after they arrived at the mess hall their they saw the original squad of troopers from all the way back to the second battle of Geonosis. Pot Shot, Bug Trap, Click, Catcher, Thomas and Curt. as well as 6 new faces who all were selected by Johnson himself. Pot Shot saw the Sargent and his eyes immediately got big. The other troopers followed his gaze and paused in hesitation before all snapping to attention and saluting.

"General on deck!" Bug Trap shouted.

The four troopers behind Johnson were surprised to see the attention they gave as fast as they did. "At ease men." The Sargent casually said. He walked up to the line where the chef was still making his food. A hired on citizen from one of the many cruisers that Anakin had in his fleet. This 'Rodian' he thought the race was called, made some of the best slop he'd ever tasted in the military. Better than the dry and bland ration bars the UNSC had and SO much better than what the Republic usually served. "What's on the menu today Greek?" Upon knowing his name but not having a clue how to actually pronounce it, he just gave the Rodian a nickname to help everyone out. Luckily the guy liked it so no harm done.

"The Usual today sir." He meekly replied. "I was saving the good stuff for when you return."

"Well, might have to save it again. I won't be staying long." Johnson said before nodding to the other four troopers in the room. "Give these boys some grub would ya?"

"Of course sir."

Johnson walked over to the troopers table and sat, as they all ate. He never did like sitting at the 'grown ups tables' back in the Corp. the Captains, Lieutenants, Commanders and other Sargents alike all had nothing interesting to say or were just boring in general. Talking about the next mission's strategies or how they were going to get promoted.

Johnson wasn't like that. He preferred to associate and grow stronger bonds with his men. Never did like the Captains he was with either except a certain few like Keys or Amanda, so that had something else to do with it. Rex was probably the First Captain besides Keys to actually talk to Johnson like an everyday soldier instead of a lower ranking Marine.

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