Surpassing Rigorous Trails on Mortis

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Hey Everybody Carpboy009 here!

So I wanted to let everyone know that this story has taken a while to update, great news story I know. But in all seriousness I've had to take massive breaks in order to not burn myself out on both Halo and Star Wars.

Look, I love this book I've ended up taking years to write, might as well call me R. R. Martin for how long it takes me to write new chapters. I'm updating every few days when I can, it's kinda the only time I can anyway.

Up to the juicy part before I let you read the actual chapter, the future features of the story.

You could kinda already tell by the ending of last chapter and the title of this one what the next few chapters/arcs are heading. A few in between moments every now and then to let everyone know what some side characters are doing, HOWEVER!

In the next Arc after this one, I want to add an extra juicy plot development I've been saving. I hinted at it before, but I couldn't think of a full on chapter I wanted to make for it.

If that reminds you of anything, you'll remember the little plot hint earlier in the story. Invoking a certain Count.

Either way I've got a few ideas before I drop a MAJOR plot point all this will be working towards, I'd spoil it for you but you might figure out what it is after reading this chapter.

With that said I hope you all enjoy it, leave a comment about whatever, seriously I enjoy everything I read you guys write and I'll catch you all later/


The universe is a fickle place. On one hand, there are endless impossible possibilities that can take place. The smallest atom of Star dust can gather and collect until after billions of years, a large rock can hold breathable air, drinkable water and life forms as unique as the planet they reside.

On the other, the endless vacuum of space can largely remain just that, and endless void, unable to support anything with living breathing cells. The advancement of technology allowing individuals of the modern day, to travel with little to no issue within its void.

Technology has been improved and expanded on in the galaxy for millennia. The more things change however, the more they stay the same. Yet, many advancements the galaxy at large could possibly create in this modern time, fails extraordinarily when compared to something like the Arc.

Johnson was in thought during the rare break of silence within the cockpit of the Jedi shuttle. His mind took the time to remember what he could when he awoke on the separatist flagship mere hours ago.

The scattered memories that happened years ago now. The recent memories when finding himself in this galactic conflict... then that voice. Speaking about inheritance. The more he thought, the more his gruff marine mind convinces him it was just a hallucination. Some kind of dream.

He simply ignored it and readjusted his green cap. He eyed the three Jedi in front and next to him. He slowly felt the lightsaber still magnetized to his lower back and sighed. He didn't think about how he was gonna explain how he had one of these things. Especially when he learned that they were the only thing that a Jedi could claim was their own property.

Property stollen from a corpse by Grievous, now taken by himself. Eh, either way, he'll deal with it when Windu comes calling.

He was slowly briefed about a change of plan when he awoke from a nap. Something about a Jedi distress beacon on the way to their peace talks. Something not used in over two thousand years. He highly doubted it'd be anything worthwhile if not a trap, but he didn't bother voicing it. The Jedi he was with were stubborn when they had their minds on something.

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