Surviving through Hells fire and unjust pain

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"War. Does not come with a guarantee." The voice of the drill instructor was heard by the leader for the Cadet unit. "No soldier gets the promise of safety, survival, or victory. But men, i guarantee you this. That every member in this clone youth brigade, will have his moment. And it is that moment, where you are no longer a cadet. You, are a soldier. You have the best training in the galaxy. No one will prepare you for when you look death in the eyes. What you do then, and the soldier you become. that. Is up to you." The instructor finished his speech and then turned his head towards the pilots. "Docking procedures begin shortly. And when we are docked, we will be given a tour among the republic crusior, where i'm told, if we're lucky, we will be in the presence of one of the greater soldiers in the Grand Army of the Republic. Not a clone trooper, but a volunteer that had risen to the higher ranks without knowledge of himself even doing so. Very few times has this ever been the case and from the stories i've been told... We may find ourselves talking to a real legendary soldier. But until then... DISMISSED!"

With that the clone cadets turned and dismissed from the cockpit of the cruiser they were on board. Instantly, Boba could hear the other clone cadets speaking amongst themselves as soon as the door closed. "Do you think it'll be him? The Sargent?" one of the cadets asked. "I sure hope so Hotshot. You've heard the story of what he did on Ryloth right?"

"And the second battle of Geonosis. Everyone has heard of that. Where himself and a handful of clone troopers were all injured, yet he still led a charge straight for the shield generator that was the deciding factor for the battle. not only that but they won!"

Boba looked down in thought. His objective was his primary on only focus. But maybe... Maybe he could find this guy as well. He wasn't like these clones. He was the son of Jengo Fett. A mandalorian by birth, not another clone. He was born for battle and honored those who fought in tough battles. But if he were lucky, he might be able to meet this man himself. But this was more of a thought in his head before he steeled himself and continued his focus. He would have his revenge. Just before he could dwell on that thought one of the cadets started to talk to him. Of course he couldn't think to himself without one of these guys bugging him.


Johnson watched as Anakin and Mace both walked out of the bridge to go meet up with some youth cadet brigade. Something that was, oddly enough, the only one of it's kind scheduled for them. Usually back in the UNSC this sort of thing was scheduled for a whole day, Sargent's, Lieutenants, even high class Generals would be doing this sort of thing for a full day, but apparently if one squad or brigade does extraordinarily well, they get a tour on board one of these cruisers. Not bad but just odd to him. The republic really does have more important things to be doing.

He told them that he'd catch up with them but he mainly needed time to think to himself. After the battle of Geonosis, he had time to recover and go on a few skirmishes here and there. One being where he actually crash landed on a planet where a local group of farmers were being attacked by Space pirates. Something that reminded himself all to well of the insurrectionists he fought before. However apparently the leader, 'Hondo' knew Skywalker and Kenobi, some history there. But he ignored it and did his job protecting the farmers and driving off the pirates. (For the record, i did have an entire chapter solely dedicated to this story but it was lost because my computer didn't save it properly. I got mad, and this is what I'm replacing it with. Sue me.)

After that he was sent to the Jedi Cruiser, Endurance. Here he was simply waiting for his next mission along side Ahsoka and Anakin. Apparently they made a request to have him stationed with them during their time in the war. He was more than willing to fight along side the two, considering all they had been through already but it just seemed odd to him once again that they'd go through the luggage of having him aboard with them. Not that he doubted his skills as a soldier, but they were flipping around with laser swords that would slice through anything with a simple swing! What good would he be in a world where every gun shoots lasers except his magnum? Either way now he was thinking to himself on the bridge before he had the sudden sense that Anakin was exaggerating something that had to do with himself. It was almost like a sixth sense at this point. Either way he was done being bored so he decided he'd spend his time doing something rather than sitting around before the next mission.

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