The Savage Interrogation with a Shadowed Future

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Alright so it's been a bit but a hell of a lot shorter than it took me to update the last chapter. I'm going to admit, i'm not all too happy with this chapter.

Maybe it's because i didn't base this one off an episode or maybe i just wasn't as inspired while writing it but what i do know is that i think i set up something pretty interesting without really putting in to much effort on Johnson's part.

Either way i'm not really too proud of this but i have a good idea on where i want the story to go now. Hell i just really wanted an excuse to have Johnson talk about the Covenant. and slightly piss off a couple Jedi. that may or may not have something to do in the future? Maybe?

Oh well. i'll let you guys tell me how i did because i'm not too thrilled with this one but who knows, maybe you guys will like it. and if you want, why not send me an idea yourself. i wouldn't mind. with that i'll see you all in the next chapter.

FYI i my computer wont save my progress without using word, i refuse to pay for word. so you can see the struggle already. long story short, i'm using a roundabout way to finish and write my chapters. 

P.S working night shift hasn't helped any of this either.


Being aware of your surroundings is an advantage in many situations. for the average soldier, it can be the advantage for victory or defeat. Success or failure. Life or death. Whether you are stalking the prey you hunt or running away from said prey.

it could also lead you to bump into several columns of the Jedi Temple if you were in deep thought. so the fact that Obi-wan had not only bumbed into one column in the many hallways but multiple was worrying to both Anakin skywalker and his young apprentice who had been following him out of worry.

Not a few hours earlier had they revcieved a message from their friend 'Sargent' Johnson. since he and his battalion of 'ODSTs' had successfully captured and detained the monster Savage Opress. The being who had murdered several Jedi and was once the apprentice to Dooku. of course Ahsoka was relieved to hear him safe and okay but... Obi-wan had a nervous look on his face when Maul had escaped. and since then he had been in deep thought and wandering about the Jedi Temple where he as well as Anakin and Ahsoka all found themselves at the Docking bay of the Temple.

Johnson would be arriving any moment. and due to the nature of this arrest, the normal prison on Corasaunt would not be able to contain such a powerful force user. The Jedi Council had talked to the Senate to allow them to contain the prisoner until a proper trail can be held.To the Republic warhero himself, he had argued asking how the Jedi would hold him if he was able to take out jedi before. not only that but he also argued for the sake of the kids he had seen running around the Temple. He didn't like how the Jedi were forgetting that there were hundreds of kids at the Temple from what he was told. to have this guy in the same building let alone ANYwhere near them didn't sit right with him.

But Windu and Yoda had convinced him that holding him where Multiple Jedi guards at the readycan keep him under better guard then a few clone guards with blasters. Obi-wan, Anakin and Ahsoka all saw how Johnson glared at the two Jedi Masters but sigh. there wasn't any point in arguing with the two. especially knowing how he wouldn't hold him for long.

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