The Nightmares of War are Shared by All Soldiers

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Gray... not just the simple gray that is the perfect blend of black and white. This was the darker gray that almost matched his armor. That was the color of the sky right now. With lights and booms thundering around. At this point, he couldn't tell if they were lightning strikes or explosions from the ongoing battle in the atmosphere.

Johnson looked down from the window of the command center. Just coming back from another Insurgent attack. The Umbarans were trying to take their base back to keep the supply route to the Capital open. This was growing more and more tiresome. He was only on this planet for about... what now? A day and a half? Two? He didn't even know, he barely slept since Skywalker left. All he knew was that it was almost over.

"Sir." That was the sound of one of the Officers behind him, manning the forgein computers. At least that's what it looked like it was to Johnson. "We have an incoming transmission from General Kenobi." Johnson sighed but he felt a smile on his face. He honestly forgot that Kenobi was here in the first place.

"Put it through."

"Yes sir. General Krell has been notified and is on his way sir."

"Great..." Johnson said sarcastically. He'd normally never act this way, not even with people back in the UNSC that he absolutely hated working with, but Krell... he was something else entirely.

Several minutes passed as the clones tried to figure out how to get the technology working. Johnson let them work in peace. He didn't have a clue how this stuff worked.

The elevator doors opened and Krell, alongside Rex entered the room. "Where is he?" Krell demanded right away.

"We almost have him sir-"

"Well work faster clone." Krell stated.

Johnson didn't have a chance to say anything before several holographic squares began to move on the center console. That turned into dozens into hundreds before a blocky virsion of Obi-wan Kenobi was seen. Even if this technology was forgign and not as smooth with it's holograms, still looked cool to the old Sargent.

Technology would always amaze him. Even if he never showed it.

"General Kenobi." Krell started. "Do you read me?"

Obi-wan was fully formed, his arms crossed on his back. His voice was a muffled static version of his normal voice, only adding to the techno feel this hologram gave off. "Congratulations on taking the airbase from the Umbarans General. This is indeed good news."

"There will be time for congratulations when we've taken the Capital."

"Yes, well i'm afraid that's going to be more difficult than anticipated." The Republic war hero spoke truthfully.

"What's the problem now?" Johnson asked out of curiosity.

"Ah, General Johnson. I didn't see you there. And- my, you look... please excuse me if this seems harsh but you look terrible. Are you alright my friend?" Obi-wan had turned to face the UNSC Sargent and was met with his tired features. Johnson not having slept let alone rest had been taking its toll on the old Marine. But he had apparently been hiding it so well that Rex and the other clone nearby all noticed this when it was pointed out.

Either that or everyone was too busy fighting for their lives to not notice period.

"I've been through worse. A few days with no sleep never killed anyone." Johnson said shrugging.

"Right but please be careful Johnson. From what i know, the Umbarans have been increasing their attacks. Their long range missiles have been pushing us back from our positions when we make any ground." He informed.

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