Pride meets Rage and Oracle's remain

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Several weeks passed by since Johnson had talked to General Grievous. He had been spending most of his time back on New Mombasa training his ODSTs. With the time that had passed, the engineers were able to create the drop pods that Johnson had described. He was personally there to overwatch the tests. After the tests proved successful, he personally decided to be the first human test subject.

The drop pods themselves were smaller versions of the republic escape pods with the main difference being size and and an added front thrusters to slow down it's decent. Anakin Skywalker had donated his ship The Resolute as the ship to preform the tests. Of course when he and his Padawan heard he was going to drop down himself they tried to prevent it. But of course were too late just as he dropped.

Captain Rex, Ahsoka, Anakin and even some of the ODSTs in training flew down on a gunship to the drop sight. They saw Johnson sitting atop the drop pod itself smoking his cigar with a grin on his face as the others worried faces slowly shifted to relieved and then annoyed.

With the tests finished and out of the way Johnson was brought back with them to Coruscant. Of course for another mission but this time he was certain that his troops were ready for their first real mission. But what he wasn't ready for was for a wild goose chase. Some 'Zabrak' by the name of Savage Opress has been on the loose for the better part of a month now.

Johnson and his Three squads of ODSTs have been given control of a small Alderaan cruiser with the defensive capabilities to handle 3-1 odds and enough 'drop pods' after refitting it, to drop every ODST including Johnson all at once if so needed.

Of course Johnson was allowed to own his own star destroyer if he asked. But he prefered something smaller... a lot smaller compared to some of the huge ships he'd seen so far the Republic had to offer. And even smaller than the supposed size of ships the UNSC had been working on. Who knows? Maybe they were able to make that UNSC Infinity like he heard the politicians talk so much about?

When his decision for a smaller Alderaan cruiser was made, many republic officials including Skywalker, the Chancellor and even the Alderaan Senator himself had asked about it.

He didn't like the idea of sitting in the bridge leading troops from a computer. So he decided to have a smaller ship do that with it's own captain to lead space battles, while he would command everyone from the ground. He had direct access with the modified commlink on his arm and his helmet.

On top of having 'his own' ship, he had grown very fond of how his new troopers had developed over their few months. What would take a normal marine almost a year, these troopers had learned in just a fraction of that time and more. He was half tempted to let them learn how to drive the warthog but then... well the G.A.R. already had so many vehicles they'd offer for him in the past. And with the ship he was given a few of these vehicles. A couple dozen 'speeders', three AT-TEs as they called them. Walking tanks is what he dubbed them after Ryloth. He was even given a few Star fighters for the pilot he'd taken under his command after Geanosis. All in all he'd taken a liking to it. The troops had seemed to like all of it anyway. He'd asked for additional clone troopers and engineers be taken under his command to help pilot the cruiser but he wasn't aware that so many clone troopers had already volunteered to join up with his cruiser.

One such clone was Waxer. The very same clone that had helped him on Ryloth and the same one he mistaken for an enemy on Umbara. Of course no hard feelings were given and Waxer was honored to fight alongside Johnson once again. His prosthetic arm didn't allow for much time on the field but it did give him another advantage that most troopers didn't. He was practically given a droid arm with a plug to allow him to unlock doors and connect to any system via the screen attached to his arm.

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