Invading Geonosis with an army of injured

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Hey everybody this is carpboy009 HERE!!

So i've gotton more attatched to this story than i originally wanted but i'm not planning on ending it in the middle. If there is a long wait period between chapters it's cause i want it all to be special and not just rushed.

Not much to explain so let's get going.  also no line breaks because i'm tired. sorry not sorry.

This is a fanfiction, WATCH ALL THE SHOWS!

Sargent Johnson was standing on a bridge of the one of the many Republic cruisers flying off towards the planet known as Geonosis. How he got there was all a blur. Only having a few days of rest after his campaign on Ryloth. At least with the UNSC he had a few weeks of rest before being shipped off again. But these Republic people apparently are in such a rush to end their war that they just shipped off some Jedi just returning from their own battles. Johnson recalled that Skywalker and Ahsoka had both returned from a mission from some planet called Dorun. Johnson watched the Jedi he knew converse with Obi-Wan and another Jedi he had met earlier that day. A 'master' Kiati Mundi. He watched but shifted his gaze off towards the planet. His thoughts were spreading back to the war he had just came from. Back in the days when it seemed Humanity was finally getting an edge on the Covenant when they had taken their own technology and used it against them. Back when Johnson thought they had a fighting chance. It turns out that he was wrong. If the Elites didn't rebel against the Prophets... Earth might not have made it before they discovered the Arc. His attention was shifted to the sight of Ahsoka walking over to him. "Sargent Johnson, we're ready for our debriefing. Care to join us?" She asked, a smile on her face as she did so.

Johnson just nodded. "Yeah, i'm comin. Just kinda blacked out for a second." He said as he walked. A small silence grew before she spoke up again. "I sense something in you. What's the matter?" She asked. He had no clue how she knew anything but just sighed. "It's nothing kid, just... Just memories is all." He reasoned. The duo had arrived at the holo table where images of the planet as well as three people he knew were on Holocall. The Chancellor, who he didn't really care for. The Jedi Windu, good to see he's doing fine after Ryloth. Even if it's only been a few days and the small green Troll known as Yoda. He'd met them all after his questioning at the Jedi Temple. It went pretty well if not shorter than he thought. There was another Jedi he had met at the temple in holo call as well. Jedi 'Master' Luminara. Apparently known for her skills with a light saber as well as her reputation of defeating more experienced Jedi. Johnson stood next to Ahsoka as she stood next to Anakin with Kenobi and Kiati. Obi wan spoke. "Our ship is in position and we are ready to begin our campaign against the Geonosians." He stated. This was gonna be tough for Johnson. He'd run plenty of invasion plans before. Mainly against Covenant and Insurrectionists bases but... Never an entire planet.

The voice of Windu spoke up. "What about Pockle? Any reports on his location?" "It seems he's holed up at the primary droid factory here." He said pointing a map that had just appeared on the hologram table. A large squar of land with a huge energy field overlapping a large portion of that land. If he was right, and 9 times out of 10 he was, Johnson guessed this droid factory he needed to destroy was protected by a shield generator, just like he had used against his first firefight against the droids. Man that felt like so long ago. "It seems the factory is protected by a shield generator?" He called it. "Anakin, Kiati and I shall attempt a three pronged attack. Through their defense lines to a staging area just short of the shield. Once we have landed we shall knock out the shield Generator. That, is our primary target." He laid out his plan before them and Johnson reviewed the plan in his head. It was strategic but the staging ground was too open. Not enough natural cover for anything let alone a staging ground. The fact Johnson had no clue what the hell a Geonosian looked like was worry for concern to but he had a pretty good idea. He learned from Kenobi on the trip here that Pockle, the Separatist General, was one of the main enemies besides Dooku himself, the actual leader of the Separatists. His planet was a primary place for their droid production so invading the planet would be good but with reports of the locals fighting along the droids... It made it a tough pill for Johnson to swallow. Then again, that failed to compare to the worry he had for this plan. "Isn't it risky committing three generals to one area of the attack? If something were to go wrong we would be dealt a serious blow." Johnson looked up at the Chancellor. Something about him made Johnson feel on edge. Almost like he was acting. "To ensure that rise again, Geonosis does not, Capture Pockle we must." Yoda said looking up to the old human. Said man grew a smile. "Of course." He turned towards the three jedi and padawan. "As always i shall leave the strategy to you, master Jedi." "Our Thanks, Chancellor." Obiwan said. Johnson wanted to butt in but he held back his words. Windu spoke last. "May the Force be with you." With that the holograms flickered away, ending the transmission.

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