Liberating a planet With it's people at his side.

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Hey everybody this is CARPBOY009 HERE!

Last time i spent a hell of a lot of time on this story it's crazy. It actually took some time away from a few stories i've been writing and continuing.

I plan on finishing this story, with the major changes that've been happening, roughly around season 4, maybe 5. There will be some major time skips because let's face it, with as long as these last couple chapters have been and the time skip between, i won't be doing episode after episode in the series. That would take too long and i'd get bored of this that way.

All you really need to know about the future of this is that chapters will take time to be posted, Sargent Johnson will be a badass and the Galaxy will change. Good or bad? You should figure it out as time goes on.

Alright without further delay,

This is a Fanfiction, Watch the F*cking Show!

Johnson had been through many different kinds of fights. Many of them involving him shooting at the bad guys. He had been through ops involving civilians. back with the Covenant, they wouldn't stop until every Human had either left or was slaughtered. He took it as a personal loss every time an innocent life was taken.

These last few weeks... He felt pride in what he did. He was able to save village after village of civilians. All of them giving him faces and their language' version of thanks. He felt like he had finally been doing his job. As he and the Jedi Obi-wan Kenobi led the Clone troopers into battle, they fought hundred to thousands of battle droids, as the Sargent finally learned what they were called. Johnson, with permission from the Jedi, personally foresaw the creation of several refugee camps on Ryloth with Republic troops protecting the people. His actions had gaining the attention of a few Senators who wanted to know who had been setting them up, they had also been sending humanitarian aid to those people.

But these last few weeks were difficult fights. He had eventually been traded out from one Jedi General to the other. Now being under the command of General Mace Windu. His troops were all just like the last men he had the pleasure of fighting with. He was always with them as they charged their way towards the capital of the planet. Already growing a battlefield bond with the troops. After another week of fighting and marching, they had finally made their way to one of the last paths around a gorge in the ground before nothing but flat dessert towards the capital.

That is where we find the Sargent today. All of the troops with the walkers marching through the small path along the ravine before one final push towards the dessert, and a the platoon of tanks firing on them now.


Another direct hit on the hull. Sargent Johnson was looking at the monitor of the walker with several other clones doing the same around him. On the monitor he could see with the zoomed in camera, around 7 Separatist tanks all firing at them along the ridge. This was a terrible plan to just charge ahead like this but there was no other way. Air support would always be shot at and with the amount of robots all centered in closer and closer, it just seemed tougher to break through their lines the closer they got. There was another explosion, one that caused them all to fall as the front end of the walker collapsed in on itself. The Jedi General opened the door leading towards the cockpit. He opened the hatch on the celing and hopped out as several clones got to their feet along with the Sargent. "Everyone! Find Cover!" he shouted. Several clones climbed out and the Sargent did, pulling the last one out as they slid off the tank, leaning against the wall of the canyon he found himself in. What is it with this world and canyons? He watched the Jedi move towards the cockpit, place his hand on the glass and saw the glass almost magically break and shatter. He pulled out the unconscious operator and carried him on his shoulders.

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