Overzealous Rage VS Underestimated Duty

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After Several some odd months i return again! for another star wars halo adventure!

in all seriousness i've been neglecting this story for too damn long as well as all my other ones. but oh well. can't change that.

So in the last chapter i asked you guys for names for Sargent Johnson's new toy (Ship) and i got aquite a few good names. many in remembrance to Reach and some even remembering the friendships he had between Captain Keys and his daughter Miranda Keys. one was simply 'The Badass' which i thaught was awesome but in the end... i think i'm going to go with jejkob01's idea.

UNSC SecondWind. reasoning behind it makes a lot of sense and kind of fits. congragulations man. treat yourself tonight. little bit of wine. sit back and relax.thank you to everyone else who gave ideas. and finally here's the update chapter i've neglegted for 4 months.

when the coffin door blasted open Johnson instantly grabbed his shotgun and pumped a round into the chamber and scanned his surroundings. the first thing he noticed was the black smoke past the buildings to his right. He jumped out of his pod and continued to scan. he could see in the cliffs two large columns of dust from where his troopers landed. the same with the canyon on the far side of the village. He took a breath and walked several feet forward before he heard shouting.

"General!" he looked behind him and saw both Gunner and Coy jogging up. Gunner speaking up.

 "We're all set for the hunt general."

"That was awesome! we've got to tell the boys back at base!"

"Glad you liked it. cause that's your new seat during this war. Now stack up. on me and stay low."

"Copy that."

"Will do."

The three marched east towards the village keeping an eye out making sure that they were alone. Johnson radioed in. "Johnson here. troopers. status?"

"Team 1. on sniper station. we've got you on our scopes general."

"Team 2. on station at the canyon and on stand by."

"General this is Pot Shot. I'm not liking the view up here. whole village is up in flames. looks like a damn bomb went off in every other building. not to mention the friendly looking bonfire in the center of town."

"Flowers look pretty though." Coy spoke into comms.

"Cut the chatter Coy." Click chimed in.

"Alright troopers. approaching the village. keep our asses covered team 1." Johnson whispered.

"Roger that."

Johnson, Coy and Gunner all walked down the main road of the village. bodies of civilians scattered around the ruins. debris everywhere. up ahead, a lone droid constantly raming itself into a wall. almost as if it was haunted.

"Well ain't that just welcoming." Coy whispered.

"You're tellin me." Gunner agreed. he had a habbit of egging Coy on.

"I mean... damn. you still think they're here General?"

"The message sent for General Kenobi was sent here. made it very clear that he would be waiting. my guess he's hiding and waiting for us. Only question is where these guys are-" Suddenly the Sargent was interupted by his comm.

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