Leadership's Tested with Espionage and Force

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Hey everyone, CARPBOY009 HERE with the return of the Sargent Johnson! yes, i know, back from the grave. To be honest, a mix of lazyness and life this time around. what can i say, i was away from my computer for about a month. work sucks. then getting fired and job hunting AGAIN!? sucks twice as much. 

figured i'd let you know so you'd all give me the benefit of the doubt. hopefully that's the case. if not... oh well. ANYWAY hope you all enjoy this chapter, it might not be as good as the other chapters but i'm at least trying to let you all know i'm still here.

ALSO i'm still working on my original novel and the first chapter is almost done. feel free to comment if you want to read it soon or wait till i have a few chapters made before i start posting. anyway, thank you all for keeping up with me and i'll see you all next chapter. 

This is a Fanfiction- Watch the fucking show!

Umbara wasn't making any progress as far as the Sargent could guess.

Once the regrouped umbarans had started their next assault, The clones were able to push back the umbarans a second time, meanwhile Johnson was leading the forward lines as they pushed towards an air base. The quordinetes were supplied by Obi-wan Kenobi while he was attacking the main Capital.

The plan seemed simple, take out the air base and cut off supplies to the capital. But if He knew any better, Krell would find a way to fuck it up.

Johnson, Sniper in hand, his silenced magnum holstered and his backup blaster holstered as well, took point with his visor activated, leading him to a clear path through the woods. Eventually Krell, Rex and 5's all made it up to him as he approached a ledge overlooking the woods below as he sees buildings far off. The Sargent crouched and zoomed in with his weapon. Rex besides him with binoculars.

"There's a base there alright and it's heavily guarded. At least 3 tank divisions." The Captain announced.

"Plus guns... " The Sargent got up. He turned around as the captain and 5's awaited orders.

"We'll send in two squads. One going along the outer wall placing explosives on the electrified fence posts. The other will climb the nearby trees as sniper support. That will buy us the time we need before the rest of the battalion can overwhelm them. If we're lucky, they'll surrender on the spot."

"But when is that ever the case?" 5's asked.

"Good point."

"General Johnson, that plan seems foolish." Krell spoke out. Passive aggressiveness at it's finest.

"What do you mean Sir?" Rex asked. "I don't see how-" He was then cut off buy the four armed alien.

"We'll advance on the base through the central gorge. And face our enemies in a full frontal assault."

Johnson took off his helmet. "Are you serious? If you hadn't noticed, your last plan that was the exact same, didn't do anything against them. If anything, it showed us you aren't in a position to lead." At this point the sargent was getting tired of this four armed aliens bullshit.

In the UNSC, whenever a higher up leader that was part of his squad or platoon would start acting out or beginning to break down or heaven forbid doing something to intentionally try and sabotage the mission, Johnson would call them out, step in and fix the issue. Which in this situation, was getting harder and harder to do with Krell thinking on his high and mighty pedestal.

"Obi-wan and the other battalions are holding off the enemy right now. While we try to take this base. We don't have time to think of anything else other than our objective. Captain Rex, get the men ready for deployment." With that Krell decided to walk off into the safety of the battalion behind them.

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