Chapter 7 -Origins and Jealousy

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Destiny had loaded up her pc, getting onto the Origin SMP. She wasn't streaming today but Wilbur was.

"Today we are getting a new member. You guys have been asking for them to join" Wilbur told his chat.

Destiny picked her origin. Shulker. She thought it was cool and liked watching Tubbo with it. The origin had nothing to do with her skin or character on the Dream SMP. She just liked it. She loaded in, joining Wilbur's vc.

"Helloooo" Destiny said.

"Hey Des! What did you choose!"

"I chose the shulk. Am the Shulker of Destiny."

"Love it love it. Anything in your shul yet?"



"I'm saying they are Tommy's"

"More concerning"

"It's fine probably"

Destiny grinned, running up to Wilbur's ghost character and aweing at it.

"Wilburrrr, you look adorableeeee" Destiny gushed.

"Don't I always" Wilbur joked, crouching at the girl.

"Yes yes you do my friend" Destiny crouched back.

"We should make you a wither origin"

"Yessssss" Destiny cheered.

"Wait let me see if there is one I can have Tommy add." Wilbur left the game going to find one.

Destiny hummed, switching VCs to the one with everyone else, her Minecraft character gathering wood and such.

"Your favorite person has joined." Destiny joked, smiling to herself.

"You aren't the Queen?" Tommy responded.

"She is better than the Queen, Tommy." Jack chimed in.

"Thank you Mr. Manifold, you are very nice." Destiny chuckled.

"Hi Destiny!" Tubbo greeted excitedly.

"Hello bee! How are you?" Destiny asked as if no one else was in the call. Tubbo and Destiny had vc'd the other night due to Tubbo calling her, after a nightmare, when he had meant to call Tommy.

"I'm good! Much better!"

"Let's gooo, that's great bee!"

"What's dis then?" Tommy said, slightly mocking George.

"Tubbo being amazing" Destiny declared.

"Awe no you are being amazing" Tubbo grinned.

"Are you two flirting or something? What is happening?" Tommy didn't seem to be happy about it.

"No, we aren't flirting." Tubbo chuckled.

"Sure sounds otherwise." Ranboo spoke up.

"Are we not allowed to be friends?" Destiny questioned.

"No. No you can't. You are my friend, not Tubbo's." Tommy huffed.

"And Tubbo is my friend." Ranboo said.

"Well. We can be friends as well as your friends." Tubbo said, confused as to what was going on.

"No. You can't." Tommy was being jealous.

"Tommy Innit... are you... jealous?" Wilbur said after he had joined the VC, hearing the conversation.

"What?! Me? Jealous? Of Tubbo and Destiny?! Never!" Tommy defended.

"I think you are jealous Tommy." Jack chimed in, teasing the boy.

"Ranboo as well!" Niki's sweet voice proclaimed.

"I am not jealous of Destiny of all people!" Ranboo said over everyone else.

DestinyTay whispers to Tubbo_: do you wanna vc?

Tubbo_ whispers to DestinyTay: sure :D

The two left the vc.

"Well done. Now they are alone together in a call." Tommy fumed.

"Tommy isn't she literally in the next room?" Wilbur chuckled.

"No, she went home yesterday." Tommy was upset. Sure he was happy that the two weren't fighting but they were his best friends. Not each other.

"Tommy I don't see why it's such a big deal about them being friends." Niki said with a soft smile that you couldn't see but could tell it was there.

"I do. It's that they aren't being my friend if they are being friends with each other." Tommy huffed.

"You are such a jealous child." Wilbur chuckled.
Jack left the vc, joining Tubbo and Destiny. Tommy got tired of the teasing and left.

*With Jack, Destiny, and Tubbo*

"I can't believe Tommy is jealous. I mean. He is friends with both of us and expects us to just not become friends." Tubbo ranted off.

"It is stupid, but it's Tommy. He can get... protective? I guess. It's weird. I am sure he will get over it." Destiny chuckled, not seeming bothered by the situation.

"I say we just play the craft and forget it happened." Jack announced.

"What a lovely idea, Jack." Destiny said, she was always nice to Jack. Jack was a person she could just easily click with and she didn't know why.

The three played the craft. Tubbo showing Destiny the things he could do as a bee, and Jack doing the same with his blaze origin. The three got along very well, so much so to a point where Tubbo decided they needed a group name, in which Destiny and Jack just went with it.
"What about tnt three?" Jack suggested, even though it was just Destiny and Wilbur's duo, but three.

"No, not that one." Tubbo shut it down. He hadn't suggested anything, he was just saying which ones were bad.

"What about the Nuke trio? Since you two are the nuke guys and I like tnt. And well probably nukes since they are just bigger tnt." Destiny suggested.

"Yes. I love it. We are the nuke trio." Tubbo confirmed.

"Hell yeah! We are so cool. Have a name and everything." Jack chuckled.

Destiny yawned, checking the time. It was late, 1 Am. She could hear her parents downstairs, yelling at each other. Luckily it wasn't loud enough to be picked up.
"I'm gonna head off. This has been fun!" Destiny announced.

"Will we talk to you tomorrow?" Jack asked.

"Yeah! Lore stream tomorrow." Destiny cheered slightly.

"Let's go! It's gonna be pog." Tubbo chuckled.

"It will be." Destiny confirmed.

"Well Goodnight Destiny." Tubbo told the girl.

"Good night to the Queen." Jack chuckled.

"Good night Tubbo. Good night Jack." Destiny left, laughing softly.

Once she got off, she shut her bedroom door and went out onto the roof, laying on it, she set an alarm for 6, due to having school in the morning. She watched the stars as she slowly drifted off. 

let's gooooo. Idk how long it has been since I updated. But i speed wrote this before leaving for the bus. So enjoy. :D


Word count: 958

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