Chapter 21 - Fights

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TW: Fighting, Blood

Today was already a shit day. From the very moment she got to school. Tommy was immediately dragged away from her. She went over to her friends. Almost instantly, she was getting yelled at by Katie.

"You bitch! Just because you and Tommy are friends doesn't mean shit! You aren't some cool popular bitch now! Stay the fuck away from Ranboo because one day he will be mine! So don't fucking talk to him you little bitch!" Katie yelled at the girl who looked to Alex and Noah for an explanation.

"Don't ask us." Noah shrugged.

"Don't fucking ignore me, Destiny! I will not hesitate to beat your ass!" Katie shouted, earning a crowd.

"Katie, chill." Destiny put her bag down.

"I won't chill. Stay the hell away from my boyfriend!" Katie yelled.

Destiny looked around the crowd, seeing Tommy, Eryn, and Henry among them. Destiny sighed, Tommy had his camera out.

"Katie, shut up for fucks sake." Destiny said loudly.

"You want to fucking go?! I will beat your ass, Destiny! Stay the hell away from my boyfriend!"
"He isn't your boyfriend. You are delusional." Destiny pulled her hair into a ponytail.

"Destiny, I am not fucking around. Stay the hell away from Ranboo." Katie got in Destiny's face.

"And if I don't? The fuck are you going to do about it? You can't just tell him to stop talking to me. Hell he would be happy to."

Katie punched her across the face, breaking the girl's nose.

"I am going to give you one minute to fucking run." Destiny growled out as blood ran down her face.

Katie swung again, giving Destiny a black eye. Destiny kneed Katie in the stomach, a full on fight breaking out. In the end, Tommy and Henry had to pry Destiny off Katie. Katie was unconscious, her nose broken as well. Destiny had a couple bruises, and a black eye as well as her broken nose but otherwise she was fine. The principal took her to his office while others got Katie to the nurse. In the end Destiny got suspended for a month. Katie got detention for starting the fight.

It only got worse. Afterschool the girl was in a vc with Tommy, Eryn, Freddie, Ranboo, and Tubbo. Talking casually. Tommy was about to bring up what happened at school but didn't get the chance.

"Destiny, what happened? You look worse than usual." Ranboo was picking fights with the girl the whole time.

"Fuck off." Destiny muttered, flipping him off.

"And you are getting more vulgar. Did someone piss in your breakfast?" Ranboo smirked.

"Ranboo don't." Tommy warned.

"Someone must have. You look like you were attacked by rabbit animals." Ranboo chuckled.

"You know what? Fuck you, Ranboo. I don't know what I ever fucking did to you that you fucking hate me and decide you need to always fuck with me but if you would kindly fucking stop for one god damn day!" Destiny yelled.

Ranboo was taken aback by this, "And if I don't."

"Then fucking don't. But stop being so fucking confusing for one minute! One moment you are chill and getting along with me and the next moment you are insulting me or making me feel like shit. If you are just going to be an asshole to me everytime we are in vc together then don't fucking get in a vc with me." Destiny growled out, she was pissed. You could see it more, the black eye and the brace on her nose.

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