Chapter 14 - Lore stream #3

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The girl started her stream, same as she normally started these ones. The screen black with some cool music in the background. The music got turned down as the screen faded in, Technoblade being in front of her. The two standing atop of a hill.

"I'll help you." Was the first thing Techno said, "Only because I know you would rather him in the prison then out."

"I appreciate it Tech. He could rot in that cell for all I care. This is only happening because I owe Wilbur a favor."

"I know."

There was scilence as the two looked at the land below them, Techno broke the silence.

"Why did you do it?"

"Do what?"

"Fake it. We were all sure you had died."

"Being pronounced dead is better than being on the run and endangering you, Wil, and Tommy."

"We could have dealt with it. Together. All four of us."

"Tech... It's the past now. No reason to dwell on the past."

"Now who told you that?"

"A very smart man. An old friend of mine. You may know him. Technoblade is his name."

"...It is good to see you Destiny."

"You as well Tech. Those who bring down governments together stay together for the most part."

Techno chuckled a bit.

"So it's you, me, Wilbur, and Phil."

"And Jack Manifold."

"I can get Niki as well as maybe the main character."

"Main Character? What is this? Role play?" Destiny chuckled, she enjoyed her joke.

"The kid has insane luck. They are part enderman. They can also pick up things as if they have silk touch but with their hands."

"So enderman traits."

"Yeah. Speaking of, they should be here in a moment."

As if being summoned, Ranboo enderpearled up to the two, immediately talking quickly to Techno.

"I am sorry for being late, Micheal wouldn't stop trying to come with and then Tubbo needed something and then Tommy wanted to get cobblestone" Ranboo rambled.

"Ranboo. It's okay. I'd like you to meet someone. Destiny this is Ranboo. Ranboo this is Destiny."

"Nice to meet you enderman."

"You are the girl Tommy and Tubbo talked about."

"I am a pretty good conversation topic."

"Destiny." Techno laughed.

"Anyway, are you going to be helping me in my endeavors, enderman?"

"What is happening?"

"I thought you told them Tech."

"The kid has memory problems." Techno shrugged.

"We are going to be letting Dream out of prison." Destiny told the enderman.

"I... I can't help with that. I have Tommy and Tubbo and Micheal to think about.. you are on your own." Ranboo backed away from the two.

"Suit yourself." Destiny shrugged.

"See you later than Ranboo." Techno waved.

Ranboo left without a word.

"So no main character." Techno chuckled.

"That's fine. We have plenty of people." Destiny faced Techno.

"What's the next move?"

"Wilbur and I got gear over the past few days. We need to hold a meeting with everyone who is helping and make sure they have proper gear and know what we are doing exactly."

"I will inform my people."

"I will inform mine. We can meet at the syndicate meeting room?"

"Sounds good to me. I will send you coords."

"Alright. Until next time?"

"Until next time."

Destiny logged out of the server and ended her stream at the same time. She sent out a tweet.


My lord being so good at lore is tiring :)

The girl chuckled to herself before going about her day, doing homework, talking to Tommy, doing chores.

Short chapter but here ya gooooo


Word count:554

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