👥Chapter II: Friendship

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The boat to Duel Academy started to take off. The engines roared & cheers were heared & goodbyes made.

Scarlett rolled his luggage to the front of the boat & stared ahead, not looking behind at Domino City like everyone else who qualified. There was nothing to say goodbye to but survival & misery.

His hair blew wildly from the wind rushing. The scent of the ocean made him feel lively.

The start of something new, better.

"Hey! It's him!" A male voice shouted behind Scarlett.

Multiple running footsteps could be heared coming from behind Scarlett. As he turned he saw a guy with kuriboh-like hair, a girl w/ pretty blond hair & a guy with spiky black hair.

"Hello." Scarlett gave them a blank face, not knowing if they were friend or foe. "Can I help you?"

"You sure can. I wanna duel you, dude." The kuriboh headed boy said pulling out his duel disk.

"Uhh..." Scarlett scratched his chin by how sudden this was. "...Pass."

The black haired guy butted in front of the other guy & pulled out his duel disk.

"Back off slacker. If this guy's really good he's gotta face the Chazz." The black haired guy exclaimed with his raspy voice.

"Hey Chazz! I asked him first!" The kuriboh boy tried to shove 'The Chazz' out of the way.

"No! Your nothing but a 3rd rate duelist, slacker! He deserves a worthy opponent!" The Chazz shoved back, making both of them fighting each other over who gets to duel Scarlett.

Scarlett just watching with a puzzled look as two guys were fighting over him.

The blond girl got in between them & broke it up.

"Cut it out you two! You both aren't really making a good impression." She said. The girl then calmly made her way to greet Scarlett. "Hi. My name's Alexis & those two behind me are Jaden & Chazz."

"Hiya!" Jaden waved with a big smile.

"Sup." Chazz smirked with a head nod.

"We watched your duel against our Professor. We just wanted to say we were really impressed. Not many people can beat Duel Academy professors." Alexis explained.

"Not unless your names Jaden Yuki of course." Jaden interrupted. He then gave Scarlett a shocked look, "Your names not Jaden Yuki right? I mean...you look just like me. You could be here to replace me! Oh man, I knew I shouldn't of pranked Principal Sheppard today." Jaden panicked.

"No." Scarlett answered. He them smiled at everyone, "My name is Scarlett Uria. I came to Duel Academy for a bigger & better life."

"What was your life before?" Alexis questioned a bit concerned.

Scarlett rubbed his arm with a saddened look, "Painful."

👑The Sacred Prince🔥: Yu-Gi-Oh GX Jesse Anderson X OC(Scarlett Uria)Where stories live. Discover now