🐍Chapter XXII: Serpent's Hold

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The four walked through the forest. Scarlett & Jesse were right behind Axel & Adrian, leading the way to Viper. They could hear some Harpie Ladies flying above them. Luckily they haven't spotted the four.

Adrian & Axel were talking about where Jim & Echo could be. They could be with Viper the two hoped.

Jesse took a look at Scarlett. Scarlett was silent since they left the library. He was a bit worried if something was bothering him. "Hey..." Scarlett finally tilted his head to face Jesse. "...are you alright? You've been quiet ever since we left the library."

"I've just been in deep thoughts. It's nothing."

Jesse reached for Scarlett's hand & rubbed it, wanting Scarlett to know he's there physically & mentally. "Your thoughts are always worth something. Tell me."

"Why is Viper doing all this?" Scarlett answered.

"Is him just being an evil professor not enough?" Jesse tried to lighten the mood.

Jesse managed to make Scarlett chuckle a little. "I wish it was that simple." The four continued to walk. Scarlett had a feeling they were getting close. "Viper is a professor. He couldn't have become evil out of the blue. I'm sure there is something more we don't know about..."


The electric facility was one of Duel Academy's oldest buildings. Many of the automatic doors were shut due to it being abandoned for many years.

Below the main floor of course hid a secret lab no one knew about or was never discovered. Until this school year...

The basement lab was redesigned as a duel energy storage facility. All built by Viper himself for a soul purpose he couldn't sleep at night. His plans were complete, he began to destroy the lab, leaving no trace of evidence.

A small knock was made at the entrance of the lab. "Knock, knock." A female voice taunted. It was Echo but, not really.

Viper continued like it didn't surprise of phase him. This was natural. "I see you like your new host."

"For now." Echo looked at her right hand, normal human flesh. On her left...was a dark violet claw, almost like a demon's. "Soon this world will see my true form."

Viper paused his destruction & faced Echo, although he was towering over her. "I have done everything you have asked. Now, it is your turn to do your end of our bargain."

Echo fiendishly smiled with glee, "I've been waiting for you to just ask you know. You've proven how far you'd go for what you asked. Draining poor students of duel energy, risking your career, turning this poorly funded school into a spirit heaven, even messing with the Sacred Prince." Echo extended her demon claw & orange dust began to appear.

"I'd do anything for-" Viper tried to tell Echo what he'd asked for.

"And that is why I knew you would be able to accomplish it." Echo grinned. While Echo proceeded to conjure more orange dust, her voice became more softly harsh. A different voice, a new tone. "I'd do anything for Jaden. Now that he's the Supreme King, he can rule this world & I will be beside him...forever & never be left alone again."

👑The Sacred Prince🔥: Yu-Gi-Oh GX Jesse Anderson X OC(Scarlett Uria)Where stories live. Discover now