📝Chapter V: Time For Class

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Scarlett ran & ran through the halls as he tried to find Crowler's classroom.

Jesse was barely behind running after Scarlett. He admitted to himself that Scarlett was very fast.

After running past constant classrooms, Scarlett finally caught the sight of Crowler filing papers in his class.

He entered the class exhausted from all the running. His legs on fire.

"Dr...Crowler...i'm sorry i'm late." Scarlett said breathing heavily.

Dr.Crowler looked at him with a confused look.

"What are you talking about? You're the only student here my boy." Crowler spoke a bit annoyed.

Scarlett looked around only to realize...he was right. All the chairs were empty. He then looked back at Crowler with confusion.

"But I heared a bell." Scarlett told.

Crowler tidied up the syllabuses for today.

"That was the ten minute bell." Crowler handed Scarlett the papers, "While you are here, please place one of these syllabuses on every table please. And tell Mr.Anderson as well to help you."

Scarlett was puzzled by the last sentence. He turned around to see Jesse out of breath, his arm leaning on the door frame.

He felt bad. He just left Jesse in the dust.

Scarlett walked up to an exhausted Jesse.

"You ok?" Scarlett asked concerned.

Jesse was tired but still gave Scarlett a smile. "Yeah i'm fine. Are we late?"

Scarlett returned a smile back, "No. That was the ten minute bell." He handed Jesse a few syllabuses. "I'm sorry I left you behind."

Jesse took the papers & didn't stop smiling at Scarlett, "No need to apologize. Plus that was a good workout." Jesse then walked in the classroom, "C'mon. Let's pass these out so we can find good seats." He chuckled.

And with Jesse's contagious chuckle, Scarlett couldn't help but chuckle too & follow him.


Minutes flew by & another bell rang while Jesse & Scarlett were sitting down in the middle left seats.

Students started to come in, the silence was now commotion. Scarlett saw Jaden along with Alexis, Chazz, Syrus & Hassleberry. Jaden waved at Scarlett & Jesse, to which they both waved back.

Dr.Crowler cleared his throat, "Settle down everyone. Please take your seats. Since it's the first day I will let everyone sit wherever they want..." As Crowler finished that sentence, everyone began to switch seats. Scarlett & Jesse were the only people who liked their seats & stayed.

The seat next to Scarlett got heavier. Someone chose to sit next to him.

"Hey Scar." It was Jaden. "Wow! Great seats. This totally beats sitting in the lame front row."

"Hi Jay." Scarlett welcomed. He then notice Jaden didn't have any books or even a bookbag with him, just his Duel Disk. "Uhh...Jaden, where's your stuff?"

Jaden tilted his head, confused. "I have my Duel Disk with me. Are you going blind?"

"No. No. I meant your books, your pencil, your paper. School stuff." Scarlett clarified.

Jaden laughed & wrapped his arm around Scarlett which caught Jesse's attention. "Ah Scar, Scar, Scar. I'm the Duel Academy pro here. It's my third year. I'm sure I know we don't need dumb textbooks or pencil & pens."

Just then Crowler cleared his throat to the class to begin class, "Ahem. Attention students! Class will now begin. Please take out a pencil & your notebooks for today's notes. As well as your dueling textbooks. Open to page four."

Scarlett folded his arms & gave Jaden a smirk. "Duel Academy pro huh?" He laughed. Jaden laughed as well. "You wanna share some of my stuff? Here, we can put the textbook between us too." Scarlett handed Jaden a piece of paper, a pen & pushed the textbook closer to Jaden.

Jaden looked at everything in shock then gave Scarlett a sincere expression of gratitude, like he was speaking from the heart. "Thank you Scarlett."

Jesse got out his pencil & notebook but hesitated on getting his textbook. He didn't like how much attention Jaden was getting from Scarlett. He zipped up his bag & turned to Scarlett. "Hey Scarlett, I think I forgot my textbook back at my dorm. Can I share yours also?"

Scarlett nodded & placed the book in front of him. Jaden felt a bit frustrated since Scarlett's attention wasn't on him anymore, but on Jesse now too.

Crowler turned on the projector & began lecturing the class about basic dueling & rules. Scarlett happily took notes, Jesse took notes as usual but he'd peek over at Jaden to make sure he wasn't talking to Scarlett, Jaden was just taking notes to impress Scarlett but he was getting bored & sleepy.

After note taking, Crowler told everyone to open their textbooks & read pages four through ten. Scarlett began to read, Jaden yawned & placed his head on Scarlett's shoulder.

Scarlett stopped reading as soft pink rose to Scarlett's cheeks from the sudden touch.

Jesse saw all of this & had to think of something, something fast. He leaned over to Scarlett, shoulder to shoulder touching making Scarlett blush now red.

"What pages were we supposed to write notes on?" Jesse whispered, playing dumb. He clearly knew, he just had to had to get close to Scarlett without making it suspicious.

"U-Uhh..." Scarlett tried to respond but with the sudden contact of Jaden & Jesse made his mind fuzzy, flustered.

He started to become warm. Not scorching hot like in the shower, a soft, comforting warmth around him. Jaden felt this sudden warmth as well & pressed his head deeper into Scarlett's shoulder & enjoy the contact even more than before.

Jesse started to feel the immense warmth as well & mouthed a 'wow' due to how great it felt. He forgot completely what he wanted to ask Scarlett & placed his head on Scarlett's other shoulder.

There all three sat, in an intense warmth they all felt inside & out.

*Ring* *Ring*

The school bell.

Scarlett immediately got up, woken up from the trance, packed up his things & hurried to the next class.

Jesse & Jaden fell on Scarlett's seat when he got up. They both looked each other, confused of what just happened, dropped it & headed to their next class.


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