🔥Chapter XVI: The Sacred Prince

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No one knew what to do. Everyone froze in fear. Hearts were racing as the Sacred Beasts roars grew louder. A random thunder strike could be heared outside as well & heavy rain hitting Duel Academy's walls.

"How?" Jaden shouted, breaking the silence in the room. "How are the Sacred Beasts released? Did someone steal the Spirit Keys?"

Alexis shrugged, "No, that's not possible. You have to duel someone who holds the Spirit Keys for them to work."

Atticus agreed, "She's right. Take it from a former Shadow Rider."

Jesse suddenly shoved them into their seats as he ran passed them & down to the arena. His hearts was racing like crazy, not because of the Sacred Beasts, he could care less. Right now he was concerned about Scarlett.

He stared to tear up as he saw Scarlett completely unconscious. His duel disk was completely destroyed from the fall.

Jesse kneeled next to him. He placed Scarlett's head up onto his leg. "Scarlett..." He cried softly, he tried to lightly shake him awake, "...C'mon Scarlett please wake up." No response from Scarlett except his bare breathing keeping him alive. Jesse gritted his teeth, beginning to cry, his whole body began to shake, he was scared, terrified & almost accepting loss. He hugged Scarlett tightly in his arms. "I need you, Scarlett. Please stay with me." His voice quivered.

Everyone saw this & began to surround the two. Professor Viper had slipped out of the room since all attention turned to the two.

Jaden placed a caring hand on Jesse's shoulder. Jesse's tearful eyes looked up at him. Jaden knew he was hurting. "Scarlett wouldn't want to see you like this, Jess."

Deep down Jesse knew Jaden was right. He wipped the tears from his face & pulled himself together. "We need to get Scarlett to the Hospital Wing."

Jaden, Alexis, Atticus & Chazz all agreed.

Professor Crowler overheard their agreement to leave the safety of Duel Academy's walls. "No you four won't. As leading Professor, I forbay you from leaving this building."

"But teach..." Jaden said. "Scarlett isn't well."

Alexis joined in. "Professor, he needs medical attention. You didn't see what happened. Viper drained much of his energy."

"He blacked out & fell to the floor. No bandage is gonna fix that Crowler." Chazz barked.

"Professor..." Jesse said with a warm heart, "Please...for Scarlett."

Professor Crowler stared at the weak & defenseless Scarlett in Jesse's arms. He sighed, "There's a back door to the far right. It should lead you into the forest."

"Thank you, Professor." Jesse proceeded to lift up Scarlett & Jaden had to help. The four went towards the back door, heading for the forest then to the Hospital Wing. "Don't worry Scarlett, you'll be well soon. I promise you that."


Scarlett was walking down many flights with his mother, they were going to see the king, Scarlett's father.

👑The Sacred Prince🔥: Yu-Gi-Oh GX Jesse Anderson X OC(Scarlett Uria)Where stories live. Discover now