🎀Chapter XVIII: Our Moment

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Many students & professors were helping fix Duel Academy after the Sacred Beasts attack. While that was going on, Scarlett sat in Professor Sheppard's office. It was in the afternoon, so the sky was orange with the sun half seen. The orange sky reflected in the office. The two were discussing what happens now.

"I want to apologize for the Sacred Beasts actions. They only attacked because I was in danger. An event like this won't happen again, Principal Sheppard. I take full responsibility. If you want me & the Sacred Beasts to leave, I will-" Scarlett was suddenly interrupted.

Principal Sheppard put his palm in front of himself, telling Scarlett to stop. "None of this is your fault, Scarlett. I blame this all on Viper. Do you have any idea what he wants with you?"

"I don't think Viper wants me. I think he wanted some of my Sacred Beast energy, which, he got." Scarlett said.

Sheppard put his hands together, leaning his head into it in deep thought. "The problem is what he will do with that energy. We need to find Viper soon."

"He must still be on this island. The docks were destroyed. I would think he's somewhere inside Duel Academy." Scarlett suggested.

Sheppard shook his head, "Someone would of spotted & reported him by now."

"Then the forest." Scarlett suggested again.

"Not likely. He would need a lab or facility to keep those energy draining bracelets somewhere." Sheppard said.

Scarlett then came up with an idea, "Do you have the schematics of Duel Academy? I'm thinking there might be a building in the forest no one knows about."

"Could be. But I do not have the schematics. The only person I could think of who has them is the person who built Duel Academy." Sheppard answered.

"Then it's settled..." Scarlett announced. The door opened suddenly & Jesse walked in with a small smile.

"Hello Mr. Anderson. How can I help you?" Sheppard asked, glad to help.

Jesse rubbed his neck nervously. "Oh, I don't need any help." He then blushed a little & starred at Scarlett, "I'm here to see if Scarlett needed me."

Principal Sheppard chuckled, "Of course." He then got up from his chair & headed out the door. "I will...let you two be. I'm going to see if we can bring back the communications for extra help." With that he left, leaving Scarlett & Jesse alone in the office.

Things were a bit awkward between the two. After all, they didn't talk about what happened in the Hospital Wing yet.

"So..." Jesse broke the silence, "What were you & Sheppard talking about?"

"We were discussing where Viper could be. I think he's still on the island somewhere, at a building in the forest." Scarlett told.

Jesse agreed, "Yeah. You're probably right. He couldn't of gotten far from the Sacred Beast attacks." A question popped up in his head, "How are we gonna find this building?"

Scarlett already had an answer to that, "Easy. We're going to Kaiba Corp to see the man who built Duel Academy from the ground under." He then sighed. He leaned on Sheppard's desk & folded his arms, "Though we have to wait till we get the communications up for someone to take us there."

"We're gonna see Seto Kaiba himself?" Jesse was a bit surprised that Scarlett & himself were gonna see one of the most powerful duelists. "We're gonna need a reservation. I don't think he'll let us see him without one. Heck, even if we did have one he'd still wouldn't let us talk to him."

"There's a threat lurking in Duel Academy. I'm sure a reasonable person wouldn't care of a reservation."

Jesse leaned against Sheppard's desk & looked at Scarlett. "Seto Kaiba is far from reasonable..." He made a sly smile, trying to lighten the mood for both of them.

Scarlett couldn't help but let out a chuckle & a blush. "You always know how to put a smile on my face."

"And apparently make ya blush like crazy too. Who knew I could make a prince weak in the knees." Jesse teased.

Scarlett elbowed him, smirking. "Jerk..." As Scarlett put his hand down after elbowing Jesse, he didn't realize that he placed his hand right on top of Jesse's.

The two fell silent. Not knowing what to do now. Jesse tried to make words but they couldn't come out, not knowing what to say.

"We really haven't talked about...yesterday..." Scarlett said, breaking the awkwardness.

Jesse's eyes gazed at the floor, remembering that moment they shared.

"I-I'm gonna lose you...?" Jesse said that like he was gonna die himself. Scarlett nodded. Jesse thought for a second, then, "There's something i've been meanin to tell ya. I wanna tell you now." Jesse became a little nervous but he knew he won't get another chance. "Scarlett, I have feelings for y-"

The next thing Jesse knew...

Scarlett's lips was on his. He closed his eyes & took in his soft lips. Jesse wrapped his arms around Scarlett, wanting this moment to last forever. A tear ran down Scarlett's face as he'd want many monments like this, but he knew this would be his only & last one.

When their lips separated, Jesse was taken aback. His cheeks were bright pink. Scarlett didn't make eye contact with Jesse, he rubbed his arm out of nervousness.

"Well..." Jesse broke the silence, "That happened." He chuckled.

The roars continued again, Scarlett looked at the door then at Jesse. "I have feelings for you too. I'm sorry we can't see where it leads us." Scarlett sniffled, trying not to cry.

Scarlett looked at Jesse, a bit worried of what he's thinking. He gripped Jesse's hand a bit tighter, which made Jesse look up at Scarlett. "Thinking about that night?" He guessed.

"Yeah." Jesse answered, "Can't blame me though..." The next sentence would make him blush pure red. "We kissed."

There was a bit of silence between them, the two thinking about everything they've done together, been through, the moments of something more.

Their eyes locked again, the grey with the green. Slowly, they became closer, their grips on each other were now soft & gentle. Then...another kiss was made. Lips locked, secure hugs, no rushing, no worries like last time, screams & roars were not heared outside, but peace & serenity was all that is today.

That moment was when they realized they could see where their feelings would lead them.


👑The Sacred Prince🔥: Yu-Gi-Oh GX Jesse Anderson X OC(Scarlett Uria)Where stories live. Discover now