👑Chapter XXI: Supreme King

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The two sat on Uria's back side by side. It would be a little bit until they reached Duel Academy.

"I've only heared about the Spirit World from my dad." Jesse said. "He would tell me all about it since he could see Duel Spirits too. I'll admit, a world itself where Duel Spirits were living together & alive? Seemed too good to be true." A smile appeared on his face thinking about it. "You shoulda seen the look on his face when he found out I could see them too."

"Your father must be wise. He's right after all. The Spirit World is very real." Scarlett's gaze went from Jesse to Duel Academy in the distance. "I've been there before." Jesse's gave a surprised reaction from that. "That's why we jumped after all." A pair of orbs passed by them. Scarlett cupped one of them. "I knew Uria would appear & save us. Because he's physical like every other Duel Spirit now." Scarlett opened his hand & the orb turned into a Winged-Kuriboh. It flapped its white wings & flew away.

"How was it?" Jesse asked, a bit of concern in his tone. "Living in the Spirit World?"

"It was peaceful." Scarlett reassured Jesse. "For me at least. I had Uria. He then brought me to Hamon & Raviel. We were untouchable. Power is everything in the Spirit World. Survival of the fittest type of ordeal." Scarlett patted Uria's back. "I have everything to thank you for." Uria exhaled with pleasure.

Jesse patted Uria, glad the Sacred Beasts kept Scarlett safe. "Thanks for keepin my Scarlett safe, Uria." Jesse soon felt a soft kiss on his left cheek.

"I should thank you too." Scarlett blushed as he looked into Jesse's cute, confused eyes.

But as Jesse looked back at Scarlett's silver pearls, he realized what he meant. He showed Scarlett love, happiness & protection like the Sacred Beasts did before.

"You don't need to thank me." Jesse replied with a sincere smile. "It's what I do for the people I love."

It took Jesse a moment to process what he said as he saw a single tear run down Scarlett's face, a tear of pure euphoria.

The moment was sweet but interrupted by Uria's roars. The two noticed Uria had finally stopped. He landed on Duel Academy's docks.

Jesse cleared his throat while Scarlett wipped the tear from his face & became focused.

Jesse hopped off Uria & onto the dock. "Well? Ready to stop Viper & save Duel Academy?" Jesse asked Scarlett, holding out his hand for Scarlett to hold.

Scarlett nodded then walked off Uria, which, Uria burst into flames & vanished. Scarlett accepted Jesse's hand. "Let's save everyone. Together."


Alexis, Syrus & Chazz sat in silence as they were stuck in an Obelisk dorm room.

"Are we really just going to sit here the entire time!?" Chazz barked at Alexis.

She sighed, not wanting to sit & do nothing either. "We really don't have much of a choice."

"I don't mind sitting here doing nothing." Syrus commented, hiding under the bed's covers.

Chazz quickly glanced at Syrus then back at Alexis, "Well...i'm not be like Casper over there. I'm going." Chazz then motioned himself towards the door.

👑The Sacred Prince🔥: Yu-Gi-Oh GX Jesse Anderson X OC(Scarlett Uria)Where stories live. Discover now