🗝Chapter XIII: The Shadow Rider

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Jaden, Alexis, Syrus, Chazz, Hassleberry & Atticus were all in front of Slifer Dorm waiting for Scarlett & Jesse to show up.

Jaden was telling everyone about Scarlett & his relationship with the Sacred Beasts. Some took the news nicely & some...

"What!?" Syrus shouted. "He's related to those monsters that could destroy the world!?"

"That's awesome!" Hassleberry commented.

Syrus turned towards Hassleberry, "That's not awesome, you sergeant grunt!"

"What did you call me flyweight!?" Hassleberry retaliated.

"Enough you two! This is no time for panic or arguments." Alexis shouted & the two stopped. She then turned to Jaden, her face with concern. "I still think we should go tell Principal Sheppard, Jaden. He does know information about the Sacred Beasts."

Chazz second that. "That's right. We don't want some moron awakening them again."

Atticus gave Chazz a questionable look, "Uhh. Weren't you the one that awakened them the first time?" Chazz swallowed hard.

Jaden saw Scarlett & Jesse walking up to them. He calmed & reassured everyone. "Alright they're here. Everyone be cool. He's our friend."

Scarlett & Jesse joined the group. Scarlett saw some recognizable faces like Jaden, Alexis & Chazz, some related like Syrus & Hassleberry, then the person he was suppose to meet, Atticus. He was tall with long brown hair, a charming face. Scarlett could tell he was a bit older than the rest of them.

"Hello." Scarlett waved & smiled, joyful to see everyone together.

"Hey everyone." Jesse said as well.

All of them waved hello back.

Atticus walked up to Scarlett & extended his hand, "I'm Atticus Rhodes. Nice to meet you Scarlett. Jaden & Alexis told me about you."

Scarlett immediately recognized the last named 'Rhodes' & pointed it out while accepting Atticus's handshake.

"Rhodes? Then you must be Alexis's brother." Scarlett said.

Atticus chuckled. He turned his head towards Jaden & Alexis. "He's a sharp one too." He then returned his gaze towards Scarlett, "So Jaden & Lex tell me you're related to the Sacred Beasts."

"Yes. That's true. But i'm not sure how or why I am. The only thing I know is my last name came from the Sacred Beast Uria." Scarlett admitted.

Atticus stayed silent for a bit & hesitated from what he was gonna say. "Do you know who the Shadow Riders were?"

Alexis was a bit worried that her brother was talking about him being a Shadow Rider two years ago.

"A-Atticus..." Alexis spoke concerned.

"It's alright sis. Just trying to help uncover the truth." Atticus gave her a thumbs up & a smile.

👑The Sacred Prince🔥: Yu-Gi-Oh GX Jesse Anderson X OC(Scarlett Uria)Where stories live. Discover now