📶Chapter VIII: Testing Limits

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Scarlett was led by Jesse to Duel Academy's Dueling Arena. The Dueling Arena was the biggest room in Duel Academy. With two entrances, many seats on every side of the room & a huge dueling stage in the middle. This was the staple of Duel Academy.

Professor Viper stood in the middle of the stadium, his hands behind him.

Scarlett could see Jaden, Alexis, Chazz, & two other people. One was Axel Brodie, one of the transfer students along with Jesse, Adrien & Jim. The other was Aster Phoenix. Scarlett smiled so big it hurt, he wanted to squeal so badly.

Jesse looked over at Scarlett to see him suddenly ecstatic & smiling painfully.

"Uhh. You alright Scarlett? You look like you're about to explode." Jesse asked concerned.

Scarlett turned to Jesse & tugged on his sleeve, "It's THE Aster Phoenix! He's been my crush since I was seven. I watched all his pro dueling tournaments through live broadcasts."

Jesse didn't say a word but smirked & said to himself, "So Scarlett is into guys..."

Jesse felt a sudden warmth. It was the same warmth when he sat next to Scarlett in Crowler's class. He stared at Scarlett blushing like crazy at Aster. He then realized this warmth was generated by Scarlett himself. "That's odd..." He thought to himself. He had to know more about this.

"What i'd do to get his autograph..." Scarlett said aloud, drooling over Aster.

Jesse then tried to kill two birds with one stone, get his best friend an autograph & to learn more about Scarlett's warming aura. He grabbed Scarlett's hand, which was very hot to the touch, & tugged him towards Aster.

"C'mon. Let's go see him." Jesse said.

Scarlett snapped back to reality & became hesitant, "W-What? Now? I don't think-"

Jesse practically dragged Scarlett to where Aster was sitting.

"No complaining. You're gonna get that autograph." Jesse demanded & Scarlett, being dragged, started complaining massively.

Aster was reading about his match today in the magazine 'Dueling Weekly'. He then felt a warm aura come his way. Aster started to fan himself with the magazine. "Who turned on the heater?" He complained.

A brown haired boy sat next to him along with Jesse Anderson, the reason why he came back to Duel Academy in the first place.

The brown haired boy looked flustered & Aster noticed Jesse & the flustered boy were holding hands. They must be together.

Aster stood up, "Jesse Anderson...it's a pleasure to meet you." Aster offered a handshake to Jesse. Jesse stood up, not letting go of Scarlett's hand, & shook Aster's hand firmly. "My name's Aster Phoenix, Duelist in the Pro League."

"I know ya." Jesse said.

"And I know you." Aster smiled. "You & your Crystal Beasts are a sight to see. I wanna see just how strong your beasts are. Let's duel, here & now."

👑The Sacred Prince🔥: Yu-Gi-Oh GX Jesse Anderson X OC(Scarlett Uria)Where stories live. Discover now