💙Chapter XV: What's This Feeling

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Jesse woke up to the sunshine in his eyes. He squinted & wipped his eyes by the blinding light.

As he was about to get up from the bed & close the blinds, a figure stood between him & the sunlight. Jesse looked up to see the figure in blue & it's eyes staring down at him.

"Good Morning." Scarlett smiled looking down at Jesse in the bed. The sunlight behind Scarlett him made Jesse blush by how even more beautiful it made Scarlett to him.

"Mornin." Jesse replied. He stretched & smelled something that made his mouth water. "Breakfast?"

Scarlett nodded. "I got up early & thought I would get us something to eat before our classes together." Scarlett handed Jesse an egg-wich.

"Right. I forgot Principal Sheppard put us together in all our classes." Jesse said as he unwrapped the egg-wich.

Scarlett sat next to Jesse on the bed & unwrapped his. "Mhm. I think he did that so you could be with me all day." Scarlett let out a small blush then bit into his egg-wich.

Jesse bit into his egg-wich & noticed Scarlett was in his Obelisk Blue uniform. "Hey." Scarlett looked at him with his soft silver eyes. "You're wearing your Obelisk uniform."

Scarlett looked down at himself in blue. "Y-Yeah. How do I look? And be honest."

Jesse got up from the bed & placed his hand on Scarlett's shoulder. "I think you look handsome..." He then added, hesitant, "With or without the uniform."

Scarlett nervously chuckled, he pushed a hair behind his ear & blushed. For some weird feeling, he cared about what Jesse thought. He didn't know why.

"Well..." Jesse said, interrupting Scarlett's thoughts. "I'm gonna take a shower & get ready for today." And with that, Jesse grabbed a towel & headed in the bathroom.

As he took another bite of his egg-wich, Scarlett went to the balcony again. He could hear the water running in the bathroom while walking.

Scarlett placed his arms on the stoned rails & just stared at the ocean again. "Today is gonna be different...sorta." He said to himself. First, he was in the highest ranking in Duel Academy, second, now Jesse would be with in all of his classes & third, he found out somehow he was on Duel Academy before.

Something started to nuzzle on his arm. "Bebee." Scarlett chuckled & scratched under Ruby's chin.

"Good morning to you too." Scarlett said. The door to the bathroom suddenly opened, Scarlett turned to see Jesse in nothing but a towel around his waist, grabbing his belt. Scarlett's eyes went wide, his face in pure red & he felt like he was on fire. He sharply turned back to the ocean view to try & cool down. The bathroom door closed again shorty.

"Beebee! Beebee!" Ruby started running in circles, panicking. Scarlett looked at the duel spirit in confusion until he realized that the egg-wich in his hand was on fire. He gasped & threw it over the balcony & in the ocean.

Scarlett sighed & put his head down from what just happened. Add a forth to the list...the heat problem. Scarlett wasn't oblivious to the instances where he felt warm suddenly in the past, but it's been more frequent with Jesse around him & now by making his breakfast on fire, it got more extreme as well.

👑The Sacred Prince🔥: Yu-Gi-Oh GX Jesse Anderson X OC(Scarlett Uria)Where stories live. Discover now