🎾Chapter VI: Ready, Get Set, Alexis

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Scarlett's next class was gym. With all the running he did back at Domino City, athletics was a piece of cake.

The locker room was a nice grey & dark blue room with many lockers & wooden benches in front of them. All students, whether you were in the Slifer, Ra or Obelisk Dorm were in the same locker rooms. The only separation was gender of course. Scarlett was in the male locker room changing, as he did he saw some guys try & take various peeks at the girls locker room. He would never understand why guys thirst so much for girls. Scarlett just shook his head out of spite & left.

As he got out of the locker room, wearing official Duel Academy gym clothes, he gazed at the huge gymnasium. Red, yellow & blue colored the walls. There were pictures of duel monsters on the wall. A yellow winged dragon, a blue giant monster &...a red dragon. Scarlett stared at the red dragon the longest. Was this the dragon he saw in his nightmare?

No. Something told him it wasn't.

He turned away from the monsters & saw Jaden & Alexis in the distance.

Out of curiosity, he tried to see if Jesse was here as well. But he wasn't.

"I guess not all my friends will be in the same periods as I am." Scarlett thought to himself.

He made his way up to them. Jaden & Alexis were having a conversation.

"Hi guys." Scarlett said.

Their conversation stopped as they looked at Scarlett.

"Hey Scar." Jaden grinned happily.

"Hi Scarlett. Nice to see we got the same class again." Alexis said.

"It is." Scarlett smiled. He then looked confused, "So what do duelists in training do in gym class?" He scratched his chin in wonder.

"Easy. To get some exercise!" Jaden shouted, pumped. Scarlett & Alexis chuckled at this.

Alexis then gave her answer which seemed the more reasonable answer to Scarlett. "I think it's to practice our endurance. Dueling is much more than drawing cards & slapping them on your duel disk, it's about dealing with pressure & keeping up your stamina."

"Hmm. Weird. I draw cards & slap them down & do just fine." Jaden commented. "Which reminds me..." Jaden suddenly got close to Scarlett's face, "...you owe me a duel. So how about right now?"

Scarlett didn't seem to eager to duel without a cause so he didn't seem up to it right now.

Alexis noticed this & interviened, "Why don't you wait till we get to Professor Viper's class, Jaden."

"Alright." Jaden pouted. A sudden dodgeball hit Jaden in the back of the head. "Hey! Who threw that!?" Jaden shouted annoyed.

Scarlett, Alexis & Jaden all saw Syrus & Hassleberry laughing. Jaden picked up the dodgeball & ran at them.

Scarlett could of swore he saw Alexis blushing at Jaden as he ran with energy.

"Well..." Alexis picked up a tennis racket & a tennis ball, "It's just us & I do need an opponent. Wanna play some tennis?"

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