🏢Chapter XIX: The Meeting

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"Now Kaiba-boy. I really think you should consider my offer..." Pegasus sipped his tea while in Kaiba's office.

Kaiba scoffed, "Adding your crazed looking toons into Kaiba Land would not suite my image. Forget it."

"Kids do love cartoons. It would bring much more attraction." Pegasus then added, "More business & money."

Kaiba got up from his seat & slammed his hands onto his desk in frustration. "Kaiba Land is suppose to be a perfect representation of MY glory! Now-!"

A knock came from the office door. Kaiba & Pegasus both turned their attention towards the sudden interruption. Kaiba Corp's finest worker, Roland, opened the door since the commotion became silent.

"Mr. Kaiba, you have visitors. Two students from Duel Academy." Roland announced.

Kaiba gritted his teeth, remembering the last encounter he had with Duel Academy students. I.E Sartorius & the White Dorm. "Tell them i'm busy & get back to class. I didn't build that school for them to ditch & come here."

Pegasus chuckled at Duel Academy being brought up. "Is it by chance one of the student's name is Jaden Yuki?"

"Err...no, Mr. Pegasus. They told me their names were Jesse Anderson & Scarlett Uria." Roland responded.

Pegasus almost choked on his tea from the names. "Mr. Anderson & THE Scarlett Uria!? I thought it was only a legend."

"What are you blabbering about, Pegasus?" Kaiba questioned.

"You don't know? The last name Uria comes from one of the Sacred Beasts, legendary monsters millennia ago. It was said only one person survived from The Sacred Kingdom & it came from the Uria family." Pegasus began to happily clang his tea cup with a spoon. "Oh joy, let them in, Roland."

Roland looked at Kaiba to see if the order from Pegasus was ok. Kaiba didn't like it but he accepted the request & nodded, making Roland go get them.

A few minutes have passed & Roland held the door for both Scarlett & Jesse as they entered. Jesse's eyes lit up looking around, overjoyed he was actually in Seto Kaiba's office, even joyful they entered the front door of the building. Scarlett on the other hand was the opposite, he knew how heartless Seto Kaiba could be from Jesse's warning from yesterday & stories people told from The Underground.

"Wow. I never thought i'd lay my eyes on Kaiba's office." Jesse told Scarlett, gawking at the view.

"I'm surprised we even got to the front door. How many metal detectors does one person need?" Scarlett whispered to Jesse, so Kaiba or Pegasus couldn't hear his judgement.

"Uhh..." Before Jesse could give a funny answer, they heared Pegasus's tea cup be placed down, signaling he was ready for the conversation.

"Jesse Anderson. It's so nice to see you again." Pegasus said with a welcoming smile.

"Long time no see, Pegasus." Jesse responded. Jesse then placed his arm around Scarlett, partially to show him off but to also introduce him. "This is Scarlett Uria. He's the prince-"

👑The Sacred Prince🔥: Yu-Gi-Oh GX Jesse Anderson X OC(Scarlett Uria)Where stories live. Discover now