❤Chapter XIV: Heart Beats Red

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Scarlett was busy packing his belongings in the Slifer Dorm. Jaden didn't like the idea of Scarlett leaving the Slifer Dorm. He really enjoyed Scarlett's company.

The last thing Scarlett packed was his new Obelisk Blue uniform. Since Jesse volunteered to protect him, Principal Sheppard told Scarlett to move in with him.

"That should be the last thing." Scarlett said. He gripped the bag handle & looked at Jaden. "Will you be alright by yourself?"

Jaden tried to put on a fake smile for him. "Yeah, i'll be fine." Jaden's smiled faded. He couldn't hide the pain for long. "I-I'm just gonna miss you is all."

Scarlett dropped the handle & hugged Jaden. "I'll miss you too Jay. But this isn't a goodbye."

Jaden hugged back, "Yeah. I know. I just wish I could be the one to protect you. You're my best friend & I don't want anything to happen to you."

Scarlett chuckled & smiled. He put his arms on Jaden's shoulders. "You have such a charming & big heart Jaden. It means a lot that you wanna protect your friends. But sometimes it's not your responsibility. You can't burden yourself with everything." Jaden looked at him like this was advice he needed.

He nodded. This time with a real smile. "Right. Then I wish you a good time at the Obelisk Dorm. Jesse is a good guy, he'll keep you safe."

"I know he will." Scarlett grabbed his bag, looked back at Jaden one more time & smiled. Jaden waved him goodbye as Scarlett went out the door.

Scarlett headed down the steps & onto the dirt road. He looked back at the small dorm that was the Slifer Dorm. He wished it a goodbye & didn't look back.


Jesse was in his room setting up for Scarlett. He was happy that someone was staying with him. He never shared a room with anyone before, not even at North Academy.

Ruby Carbuncle was on the bed jumping all around happily from the news Jesse told him about Scarlett moving in. "Bebe. Bebeee!"

Jesse noticed Ruby Carbuncle's overjoyed & paused cleaning the closet. "I'm excited too, Ruby. Scarlett should be here any minute." And right on time a knock came to the door. "That must be him. Hide Ruby so you can surprise him."

With that, Ruby ran under the bed & Jesse walked to the door. He fixed himself a little, even though he didn't need it. Jesse opened the door & Scarlett was there with his luggage.

"Hi." Scarlett smiled.

"Hey." Jesse returned a smile back. He side stepped so Scarlett could walk in. "Come on in."

Scarlett walked in & looked around. The room was pretty spacious for a dorm room. It was much bigger than his old room. The first thing he noticed was the bed, it looked like a queen-sized bed. A small table next to it & a tall lamp on the other side. The walls were pure blue, the carpet was white. There were curtains that slightly hid the balcony outside. To make this room even more impressive, a closet, a personal bathroom & a television.

👑The Sacred Prince🔥: Yu-Gi-Oh GX Jesse Anderson X OC(Scarlett Uria)Where stories live. Discover now