🌃Chapter XII: Bury The Past

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Scarlett's eyes had widened, heart racing. It's been so long since he'd been called that. It hurt even more coming from Jesse.

"How?" Scarlett questioned himself. "How on earth did he find out?"

Jesse held up the piece of paper he printed out & showed it to Scarlett & Jaden. "Is this you!?"

"Jesse I-" Scarlett tried to calm him down.

"Answer me!" Jesse shouted, gripping the picture tighter almost tearing it.

Jaden was looking behind Scarlett with worry & doubt, "I-Is that you...Scarlett?"

With a sigh of annoyance, Scarlett looked at Jesse dead in the eyes & said, "Yes. I am the Nightmare." Jesse gritted his teeth & Jaden frowned. "From how you called me that name, I assume you know I was an Underground Duelist."

Jesse nodded then spoke in a hurtful tone, "When were you gonna tell us? Did you not trust us? Trust me?"

"I was going to tell you someday. A past like that..." Scarlett starred at his bare hands, "It's hard to move on." His hands formed fists, "That's why I came to Duel Academy. For a new start."

"I understand that. But you can't just run away from your past, Scarlett." Jesse stated.

Scarlett was at a loss for words. His head titled down. He had no idea what to say.

Jaden placed a hand on Scarlett's shoulder & helped him find the words.

"Scarlett came here to move on. I don't think it's running away if he regrets it & wants to change for the better. Do you?" Jaden told Jesse.

Jesse looked at Scarlett again, not as the monster he was in the past but who he is now. He could tell this was upsetting him.

He lowered the printed picture, his boiled up anger lowered as well. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you."

Scarlett politely shrugged off Jaden's hand off his shoulder & began to walk up to Jesse, which threw Jesse off by surprise.

Now with Scarlett in front of him. He didn't know what to say or do.

Scarlett extended his arm. "The picture."

Jesse guessed Scarlett wanted him to give the picture of himself over. Jesse handed it over to Scarlett.

Scarlett looked at it & just stared. Remembering all the pain he cause in the Underground, all those lonely nights by himself, the struggles he faced for food & shelter. He then held it up in Jesse's face.

Jesse starred at those red eyes once again, the feelings of betrayal, fear, anger came back. Then...Scarlett tore it in two. Jesse now starred at Scarlett's silver eyes. Those other emotions flowed away, now left resentment, apologetic & a bit of comfort.

"I know what I was." Scarlett stated. "If I could change the past I would but...I just can't. I don't know who my parents were, I was all alone. Dueling in the Underground was my way to live. I had to hurt people, but I also had to eat & sleep. Maybe a bit of it is still in my dueling but that's why i'm here. To not run away from my past, but to put it to rest." Scarlett then walked away.

👑The Sacred Prince🔥: Yu-Gi-Oh GX Jesse Anderson X OC(Scarlett Uria)Where stories live. Discover now