Part 1 (en)

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Y/N: HEY! Behind you!
Bucky: I can handle it, do your job!

*You punch a guy in the face, kill another with your knife and shoot the rest.*

Y/N: all clear.
Bucky: alright let's go.

*You run with Bucky out of the docks to the truck.*

Bucky: come on hurry up!
Y/N: chill I'm coming.
Bucky: come on!

*You get closer to the truck and Bucky grabs your arm to pull you in and closes the door.*

Bucky: you're slow.
Y/N: well you're dumb.
Bucky: ...
Y/N: what?
Bucky: uh...
Y/N: what?!
Bucky: I... y/n?
Agent 1: We have a situation.
Agent 2: knock him out.

*The agent punches Bucky on the back of his head and he passes out.*

Y/N: what the hell?
Agent 1: protocole.
Y/N: wait... oh my god James...
Agent 2: oh not them too...

*He punches you and you pass out. You wake up in a familiar cell, small room, two chairs.*

Bucky: you okay doll?
Y/N: James!

*You hug him and he strokes your hair.*

Bucky: shh it's okay I'm here.
Y/N: I can't believe this is happening again... We'll never get out of here.
Bucky: we'll find a way. I promise you doll.
Y/N: James we're talking about Hydra, they have 100% control over us.
Bucky: not 100. We're brain clear right?
Y/N: yeah not for long...
Bucky: at least we have some time together.
Y/N: well... *You see two agents come in the cell* I guess not. That was quicker than usual.

*You try to fight them but they electrocute you and you fall on the ground, incapable of moving. They take James out. A few minutes later, it's your turn.*


*You try to fight, to move, but they electrocute you again and again. Stupid collar. They tie you to a chair, this damn chair, the worst chair in the entire universe, with those big white lights that blind you every time, the machine you get nightmares about. The Memory Suppressing Machine... The session starts. You scream.*

Boss: Желание, Ржавый, Семнадцать, Рассвет, Печь, Девять, Добросердечный, Возвращение на Родину, Один, Товарный вагон.
Y/N: Я жду приказаний
Boss: good, now go.

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