Part 8 (en)

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Bucky: what the fuck was that?!
Steve: language!
Y/N: wha-
Bucky: that was an optimized?
Y/N: yeah the fast one. Be careful.
Bucky: FUCK!
Steve: oh come on...
Y/N: James are you even listening to me?
Bucky: of course I am doll he's just really fast.
Y/N: duh.

*You walk slowly, Steve behind you and Bucky coming right after kicking the optimized in the balls. You try to be as quiet as you can, the scepter has to be in the secret chamber, where Red Skull used to keep all of his "toys". No one is in the room, the Avengers are dealing with the soldiers and the optimized outside, to gain time. The enemy will eventually realize they've been fooled. Steve should've not come with you, he's literally the center of the Avengers, it will be noticed that he's not with them and the soldiers will look for him. But he insisted on coming with his best friend.*

Y/N: hurry guys we don't have much time, I still haven't seen Strucker, he's probably hiding or he's with the scepter.
Steve: where's the scepter?
Y/N: it should be here.

*You show him the massive door and he passes you and goes to the door first. Bucky protects your back. Steve enters, followed by you. Strucker is here, with the scepter.*

Y/N: leave it to me Cap, I've been wanting to kill this son of a bitch for so long.
Steve: sure, I'll help you if you need.
Y/N: Strucker.
Strucker: y/n.
Y/N: you ruined my life.
Strucker: I made you stronger.
Y/N: I'm gonna kill you.

*You attack him angrily, letting all your rage out. He doesn't even fight back, he's weak, he's not a fighter.*


*You take the scepter and pierce Strucker with it, killing him.*

Steve: alright y/n, keep the scepter let's go.

*You try to stay calm but you can't stop being angry, Strucker is dead but you don't feel better.*

Y/N: I want to watch this place burn.
Steve: look y/n I know you've been through a lot but we can't do that, we don't have time, we have to go.

*Bucky arrives in the room after hearing you scream.*

Bucky: hey doll calm down, it's gonna be okay, look at me. Look at me y/n you have to calm down.
Y/N: James I can't leave this place behind like that, it has to be destroyed, it's not because Strucker is dead that HYDRA is, they will keep doing experiment on people like you and me and I can't let that happen.
Bucky: alright we'll find a way then, I'll help you but for now we have to go, more soldiers are coming. Take my hand and try to stay calm.

*He takes your hand and you automatically calm yourself. You follow him outside, you run in the halls, killing all the soldiers in the way. When you're finally out, you ask Thor and Iron Man if they can destroy the place, they accept without hesitation. You go in the jet, watching the base burning, crumbling, exploding. This will give you a little bit of piece.*

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