Part 11 (en)

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*On date night, you put on a pretty outfit and you join Steve outside. He says you look amazing and he opens the car's door for you. What a gentleman. He drives for a few minutes and parks in front of a beautiful place called "Sunshine restaurant". There's flowers all over the entrance, a pretty garden and a path of slabs leading to the restaurant's door.*

Y/N: it's beautiful.
Steve: just like you.

*You smile at him, your cheek all red and he takes your arm. You walk in the restaurant and a waiter brings you to the table Steve reserved. It's a table for two, with candles on the table and some roses petals.*

Y/N: wow you put the bar very high.
Steve: what can I say... I'm a romantic.

*He smiles at you and you order food, talking and laughing. Steve really is amazing, he shows interest in you, he listens carefully when you talk, laugh at your stupid jokes and looks at you with sparkles in his eyes. It feels great to have such attention on you. You eat your meal and drink wine, sharing thoughts and memories with him, he talks about what happened when you weren't there, he talks about his time in the Avengers, never mentioning anything related to Bucky. You don't think about him all night.

You go back to the compound, hand-in-hand, laughing together, a little tipsy but not drunk. You had a really great night with him. He looks at you before entering the living room, where everyone is.*

Y/N: what? Why are you looking at me like that?
Steve: I really want to kiss you y/n but I won't without your permission.
Y/N: please, feel free to kiss me whenever you want.

*He smiles at you and kisses you. You put your arms around his neck while his hands are on your cheeks.*

Y/N: was that your first kiss since the 40s?
Steve: actually no, I had to kiss Nat for a mission. Was it that bad?
Y/N: oh no, it really wasn't that's why I'm surprised!
Steve: glad to hear that.
Y/N: wait why would you have to kiss Nat for a mission?
Steve: her idea, we were hiding from a man and she said that people kissing make others look away so we kissed and it actually worked, the guy didn't see us.
Y/N: wow... I bet she's a great kisser.
Steve: well she said I wasn't.
Y/N: really? Then I guess I'm lucky! Did you practice?
Steve: what? No! Maybe I just feel comfortable with you so it was better.
Y/N: that's pretty cute. Wanna kiss me again so we can test that theory and see if it wasn't a one time thing?

*He laughs and kisses you again, same kiss, just as good, very gentle.*

Y/N: yeah still great.
Steve: alright can we go in now?
Y/N: after you Captain Rogers.

*You both laugh and he puts his arm around your hips, walking in. You're a little bit scared of what the others will think but you try to just focus on him and the great night you spent. He really likes you and cares about you. You're not gonna ruin it for some handsome metal armed guy who doesn't love you back. You're doing just as he told you to, you're with a great guy, nice, sweet and caring. That's what Bucky wanted. Everyone is happy, he has his girlfriend and you have Steve. It's all working out!*

Nat: well look who it is, our two loverbirds!
Bruce: what?
Nat: how was the date?
Y/N: how do you know?
Nat: I know everything. No I'm kidding, Steve told me.
Y/N: of course he did!

*You look at him and you read on his lips "sorry". You smile and look back at Nat.*

Y/N: to answer your question, it was great! Steve is the most romantic person I have ever seen!
Tony: really?!
Y/N: yep! Gorgeous restaurant, with flowers and candles and music. Oh and the dinner was divine.
Steve: it really was delicious.
Nat: well I'm happy for you guys! Hope he'll kiss you better than he kissed me!
Y/N: oh he did! I think you just had bad luck because he's a great kisser.

*Bucky chokes on his drink and his girlfriend looks at him confused. She probably doesn't know what happened between you and him. You're surprised by his reaction, he doesn't seem to like the fact that you and Steve are dating but he can't say anything, he's dating someone too.*

Nat: oh! Great news then! Maybe I should try again.
Y/N: in your dreams Nat, I don't share my boyfriend.

*You look at her with squinted eyes and she laughs saying you have nothing to worry about.*

Y/N: alright then, I'm gonna go to bed, goodnight guys.

*They all wish you a goodnight, there's just Bucky staring at you and his girlfriend probably annoyed not having his attention.*

Steve: do you want to sleep in my bedroom?
Y/N: sure, just warning you that nothing will happen.
Steve: I wasn't going to do anything.
Y/N: okay, let me just grab something to wear.
Steve: oh it's fine I can give you something.
Y/N: thanks!

*You go to his room and he gives you a shirt. You take a quick shower and when you come back he's on his bed, shirtless, reading a book.*

Y/N: wow.
Steve: what?
Y/N: nothing.

*You blush and go under the sheets. He puts his book away and opens his arms inviting you in. You smile and you lie down on him, falling asleep not long after.*

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