Part 16 (en)

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Bucky: knock knock?
Y/N: go away!
Bucky: excuse Jenna for her words, she tends to get jealous when it comes to you.
Y/N: well tell her she has nothing to worry about.
Bucky: you okay?
Y/N: perfect! Now go.
Bucky: y/n talk to me.
Y/N: I don't want to. Go away James.
Bucky: please talk to me doll, what happened?
Y/N: you can't call me doll anymore James, and nothing happened.
Bucky: I won't leave until you tell me what's going on in that brain.
Y/N: why are you all so stubborn?!
Bucky: y/n please...
Y/N: ugh fine! If it'll make you leave faster! HYDRA tried to kill Steve to get to me.
Bucky: what? How? Aren't they supposed to think you're dead?
Y/N: well I haven't been acting really low hanging out with the Avengers, it was not difficult for them to find out I was alive.
Bucky: I'm sorry...
Y/N: why? It's not your fault. For once.
Bucky: I'm sorry this is happening to you, you don't deserve that.
Y/N: maybe I do.
Bucky: what?
Y/N: I should be dead.
Bucky: don't say that.
Y/N: why? There must be so many people out there wishing I was dead. I do.
Bucky: stop saying that.
Y/N: why?! I deserve it!
Bucky: no you don't!
Y/N: oh why do you care, you probably wish I was dead too!
Bucky: how can you say that? You know I care about you.
Y/N: yeah right, you have a strange way to show it.
Bucky: are you still upset about wh-
Y/N: no! I'm not.
Bucky: doesn't seem like it.
Y/N: okay, yes I'm still upset about everything you said! Happy?
Bucky: no.
Y/N: well you can only blame yourself.
Bucky: everything I said doesn't change the fact that I care about you!
Y/N: if you really did we would be together right now.
Bucky: I told you why we can't.
Y/N: and I told you I don't fucking care!
Bucky: ...
Y/N: go please. I don't ever wanna see you again.
Bucky: what?
Y/N: it's too painful James! Please leave me alone!
Bucky: why?
Y/N: because I love you James!
Bucky: and I love you too!
Y/N: no you don't! You can't say that James! You can't! Not now! You made me love you and then you rejected me like I was some kind of toy you can play with and throw away when you don't need it anymore! Every time I see you I want to kiss you, every time I hear you I remember all the times you called me doll, every time I think about you I blame myself because Steve is adorable with me but I can't fucking get you out of my mind! Those vacations were supposed to make me forget you and spend time with Steve without thinking about you! Now it's all ruined!
Bucky: I...
Y/N: please go.
Bucky: I'm sorry...
Y/N: just go!

*Bucky leaves your room and when he closes the door you break down in tears and you scream in your pillow. How can he say that?*

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