Part 10 (en)

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*A year later, you come back to the compound, wanting to see Steve and the others. When you arrive, they are all talking in the main living room. You approach the room and you see Bucky. Stars appear in your eyes until you see a girl next to him, his arm around her shoulders. You want to leave but Steve sees you.*

Steve: y/n? You're back!
Y/N: hey...

*He gets up and hugs you tight. Everyone says hi, except Bucky.*

Steve: how you've been?
Y/N: amazing! The Wakandans are the nicest people, and so interesting. I learned more during a year with them than during my whole life!
Bucky: you were in Wakanda?
Y/N: um... yeah... They removed HYDRA's code from my head. Steve I am so grateful, I don't know how to thank you.
Steve: don't worry, I was happy to help.
Bucky: you knew about this Steve? You told me she just left and you didn't know where.
Y/N: I asked him to.
Bucky: why?
Y/N: you know why James.
Steve: alright let's not fight, y/n welcome back, are you staying here?
Y/N: I don't have anywhere else to stay, so yeah. Is my room still available?
Tony: yes, didn't change a bit. Oh and we have new recruits but they're not here right now.
Y/N: oh cool! Who are they?
Nat: you're not gonna like that...
Vision: it's the twins, Wanda and Pietro.
Y/N: the optimized?! What the fuck?
Steve: language.
Y/N: do you say that every time someone swears?
Clint: every time.
Y/N: well well well, fuck me well.
Steve: y/n.
Y/N: haha sorry, it's quite fun tho. So the twins are the only new recruits?
Tony: no there's also Peter and Scott but they don't live here.
Y/N: oh okay, hope I'll see them one day. How did they become Avengers?
Nat: long story short, Team Cap fought Team Iron Man because of some stupid accords and one team asked for Peter's help when the other asked Scott.
Y/N: what?? Teams? Well I'm glad I didn't see that.
Rhodes: you would've probably been with Steve and that would've made three super soldiers against us, so yes, I'm also glad you weren't there.
Y/N: haha, I don't know if I would've picked a side, I think I would've just watched everyone fight eating popcorns...
Steve: definitely sounds like you.

*He smiles at you and Wanda and Pietro come in.*

Y/N: well look who's there, more HYDRA agents!
Pietro: you must be y/n! Nice to meet you, Steve was right, you're pretty hot.
Y/N: he said that?!

*You look at Steve with laughing and you see Bucky behind with his usual jealous/killing look.*

Steve: I might have said that.
Y/N: I'm flattered! Coming from America's ass!
Steve: oh don't mock me!
Y/N: I'm not! You have a great ass, everyone knows it!
Steve: *sighs, smiling*
Wanda: I'm Wanda!
Y/N: yeah I know. Pietro you said "nice to meet you", you guys don't remember me?
Pietro: we should?
Wanda: you seem pretty familiar.
Nat: turns out you were right y/n, they were working with HYDRA willingly but they wanted to stop and HYDRA found out, they erased all their memories from their time in the organisation before we found them.
Y/N: oh really?! Wish they did that to me...
Wanda: why, if it's not too intrusive?
Y/N: I wouldn't have nightmares about every single person I've killed, wouldn't hear their screams... That'd be pretty cool.
Steve: you still have nightmares?
Y/N: yeah, I may not be the Cold Soldier ever again but I still have all the memories...
Steve: I'm sorry...
Y/N: it's fine, I can't do much about it, and the only person who could make forget the voices was- is, um... not here. So, yeah...

*You look at Bucky with a sad smile and he stares at you.*

Y/N: anyway, go back to what you were doing before I arrived, I'm gonna go to my room and put my stuff away. See you later.

*You leave the room and go to yours. You put your things in your closet and lie down on your bed with a sigh. Bucky has a girlfriend, and Steve may have a crush on you... They all had some kind of civil war when you were away and the two new recruits don't remember HYDRA the same way you do, you don't have anyone to talk to about that anymore... You put your head in your hands and you hear someone knocking at your door.*

Y/N: come in! Oh hi Steve, what are you doing here?
Steve: just wanted to check up on you.
Y/N: so you do have a crush on me.
Steve: what?
Y/N: I'm not blind, and certainly not dumb...
Steve: is it that obvious?
Y/N: yeah kinda...
Steve: I'm sorry I know you love Bucky but-
Y/N: but he's with someone else now, seems like he totally forgot about me, so I may do as well.
Steve: you don't have to, you two lived many things together and I know how strong your love for him is, I don't wanna interfere.
Y/N: if anyone is interfering, it's not you!
Steve: ...
Y/N: come here.

*You sit on your bed and he sits next to you.*

Y/N: you're cute, smart, caring, and so many other amazing things, people would die to be with you, but you're right, I still love James- Bucky. But he moved on, and I should do too, I just don't want to use you to forget him.
Steve: I don't mind.
Y/N: you're a really nice guy, I can't be with you while I still have feelings for James, I don't want to hurt you.
Steve: can I at least take you on a date? Then you'll make your mind?
Y/N: fine, one date.
Steve: okay, I'll take you to a restaurant tomorrow night, does it sound good to you?
Y/N: perfect, looking forward to it.
Steve: alright y/n, I'll see you later.
Y/N: bye Steve.

*He kisses you on the cheek and you blush, watching him leave. You may have a crush on him and he's adorable, but your feelings for Bucky are still taking a big place in your heart and you don't know how to remove it. Seeing him walking around with his bitch- girlfriend, will probably help you move on and forget your feelings.*

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