Part 14 (en)

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*A week later*

Y/N: STEVE! What are you doing?!
Steve: the boat is broken, wait a second!
Y/N: the boat is what?! Steve it's a rent we can't give it back damaged!
Steve: I know! That's why I'm fixing it!
Y/N: what happened?!
Steve: I don't know actually.
Y/N: oh okay. What's broken? Can I help?
Steve: I'm still searching where the smoke is coming from.
Y/N: the smoke? Why would there be smoke coming out of anywhere?
Steve: I don't know.

*You approach the boat to help Steve but it explodes and you're thrown against a wall.*


*You get up as best you can and look for Steve. There is no boat anymore, you won't be able to fix it, the boat was smashed to pieces*

Steve: I'm... here...

*You see Steve coming out of the water, and go up on the dock.*

Y/N: oh my god Steve are you okay?!
Steve: yeah I'm a super soldier, just a few scratches.
Y/N: a few scratches?! Are you kidding me?! The boat you were standing on just blew up!
Steve: I'm fine y/n.
Y/N: you were in the middle of an explosion you can't just tell me that. Take off your shirt.
Steve: alright alright.

*Steve takes off his shirt with difficulty and you see him bleeding, marks all over his chest.*

Y/N: uhuh... You're fine... Sure... That's not what I see, we need to get you to a hospital.
Steve: no, we need to find who did that, it was not a coincidence.
Y/N: someone tried to kill you, yeah I noticed, but you can't fight anyone like this Steve.
Steve: I'll be fine y/n, I've been more hurt before.
Y/N: ugh you're so stubborn!
Steve: I know I know.

*He gets up and puts his shirt on, covering up the wounds but not the blood.*

Y/N: so you're gonna walk around like that?
Steve: we need to find them, they had enough time to escape.
Y/N: damn Steve alright! If you get hurt ONE TIME, I will drag you by your feet if I have to.
Steve: sure.
Y/N: I'm stronger than I look.

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