Part 12 (en)

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*You're running in the streets, it's the middle of the night, you're on a solo mission, your first one. You're looking for someone, you were told to kill a guy named Jon Pine and kill everyone in the same room as his, no witnesses. You arrive at the hotel, you climb the facade and break through a window. You sneak into the room, as quiet as a mouse, you weave your way through the crowd and climb on the bar taking out your guns. You shoot everyone, all screaming, the brave ones trying to fight you but you kick them with your feet still shooting. When everyone in the room is dead, you jump out of the window and run back to the HQ.*

Steve: y/n! Y/n! Y/n do your hear me?! Y/n wake up!

*You wake up in a scream, sweating, gasping. Steve strokes your hair and puts a hand on your face. He makes you look at him and hugs you.*

Steve: it's okay, it was just a dream, I'm here.

*You can't stop panting, Steve doesn't calm you down... You hear the screams, you see their face, scared, some of them were innocents, they never asked to be in this room. Bucky burst into the room asking what's happening but you can't talk, Steve explains you had a nightmare and Bucky gets closer to you, you can see he's worried in his eyes. He takes you out of Steve's arms and puts you in his.*

Bucky: it's okay doll, it was just a nightmare, it's over now, you're safe.

*You start to breathe properly again and you nestle your head in his chest. He strokes your hair, whispering again "you're safe". You step back and make a shy smile at him.*

Y/N: thank you James. You can go now.

*He looks at you sadly and leaves Steve's room. How can you feel so safe with Bucky after all that's happen and not with Steve? How can Bucky be the only one able to calm you?*

Steve: are you okay?
Y/N: yes, thank you Steve, I'm so sorry, I'm gonna go sleep in my room, I don't wanna bother you again.
Steve: please stay y/n.
Y/N: you need to sleep and I'm not sure I can.
Steve: I'll be fine, come here.

*He lies down and takes you in his arms. He falls asleep quickly but you stay awake for the rest of the night. The days go by, and the nights are all the same. You fall asleep with Steve, you wake up because of a nightmare and Bucky is the only one who can appease you. During the day, you spend most of your time with Steve, still trying to forget him, to forget your feelings, but every night, when he comes in Steve's room and hugs you, all the work you did during the day avoiding him, putting away what you feel, everything comes back as soon as he touches you, as soon as you hear him calling you "doll". Steve noticed, he knows you still love Bucky, he tries his best to make you forget him, but he probably realise it's harder than he thought.*

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