Part 3 (en)

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Steve: Bucky! Come here please!
Bucky: what?
Tony: we have a question.
Bucky: yes?
Steve: we found an ex S.H.I.E.L.D agent turned HYDRA agent turned dead. Well, not really.
Bucky: what?
Tony: we think you might know them, they were called the.. cool soldier?
Bucky: the Cold Soldier. They're dead.
Steve: so you know them?
Bucky: they're dead. End of story.
Tony: then who's that?

*Tony shows a picture of you to Bucky.*

Tony: it was taken in Norway, we've been tracking them for weeks, they travel all around the world, maximum 2 days in a city. We don't know what's their plan.
Bucky: it can't be...It's impossible.
Steve: so is it them?
Bucky: Steve it's impossible they're dead!
Tony: well it's not a ghost, how can you be so sure anyway?
Steve: ...
Bucky: I... I killed them...
Steve: when you were with HYDRA? How? I thought they were with HYDRA too?
Bucky: no, not last time I've seen them. They escaped 2 years ago after getting their memory back, I was sent to kill them and I did.
Tony: I guess they survived.
Steve: so that means they're not with HYDRA anymore but they're running away from HYDRA.
Bucky: why? Everybody thought they were dead, they're not looking for them.
Steve: maybe they don't know that and that's why they're on the run.
Bucky: I have to find them.

*Bucky leaves the room in a rush, determined to find you.*

Steve: Bucky wait! I'm coming with you.
Bucky: you don't need to always come with me.
Steve: Buck I won't let you find them alone, you could use some help and let me remind you that I'm your best friend and I'm not asking.

*They both suit up and take the jet to Norway. When they arrive at their destination, they look for you where the photos Tony sent were taken. Bucky sees you turn into a street and calls you. You hear his voice and freak out. You turn slowly to face him. You look at him scared that he's here to kill you but you notice that his arm changed, it doesn't have the symbol of HYDRA.*

Y/N: James? How.. how... you escaped?
Bucky: how do you know I'm not the Winter Soldier?
Y/N: your arm, it's different.
Bucky: you noticed?
Y/N: of course I noticed James. I can' believe you're you again! How?
Bucky: it's a long story. Come here now.

*You walk towards him and you give him the biggest hug you've been waiting for 2 years.*

Y/N: Oh my god I can't believe I'm seeing you again... James I'm so sorry I left you.
Bucky: I should be saying sorry, I killed you. Well... thought I had. How did this happen?
Y/N: long story...
Bucky: come on now I want you to meet someone.

*He takes you to the jet and you see Captain America waiting at the door.*

Y/N: you know Captain America? Wow we have a lot to talk about.
Bucky: Remember all the stories I told you about someone named Steve?
Y/N: oh that was THIS Steve?! Wow. Okay... Nice to meet you Captain, I'm y/n.
Steve: nice to meet you too, call me Steve. Come on in we have to go back to the compound.
Y/N: the compound?
Steve: you're gonna meet everyone.
Y/N: who's everyone?
Bucky: you'll see.

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