Part 7 (en)

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*You go out of the bathroom after your shower with your pants on but impossible to find your top. You search all around your room then finally realise. You open the door with a towel wrapped around you and you scream.*

Y/N: James! Where's my shirt?!
Bucky: don't know what you're talking about.
Y/N: give me back my shirt or I swear to you I'm gonna cook you for dinner.
Bucky: I didn't do anything!
Y/N: James!
Sam: first of all, you guys act like a real couple.

*You and Bucky look at Sam with a killer look.*

Sam: scary. And secondly, y/n why do you call him James?
Y/N: um... 'Cause it's his name? What do you want me to call him?
Bucky: well... you're the only one calling me James.
Y/N: what?
Bucky: everyone calls me Bucky.
Y/N: your second name?
Bucky: yeah, I've always been called by this name, since um... forever?
Y/N: why didn't you tell me?
Bucky: because I like that you call me James.
Y/N: okay, so I can still call you James?
Bucky: of course! Makes you special *he winks at you*.
Y/N: sure.
Sam: true couple.
Bucky and y/n: shut up!
Sam: anyway. Meeting in 2 minutes.

*Bucky gives you back your shirt and you put it on before going in the meeting room. Everyone is talking a the same time, fighting on something you can't understand so you just stand there with Bucky waiting for them to stop. When they finally see you they stop arguing.*

Y/N: you guys finished? What's the matter? Someone ate the wrong sandwich?
Tony: we have a problem with HYDRA and we disagree on who's going.
Y/N: I'm going.
Tony: yeah so here's the thing, we're arguing on wether you go or not.
Y/N: I see, okay, but I don't care, I'm going. I'm gonna kill those bastards.
Steve: it's not that easy. They have Loki's scepter and two optimized teenagers.
Y/N: right, the twins.
Thor: you know them?
Y/N: yeah they work with HYDRA, we did some missions together.
Steve: you know them too Buck?
Bucky: I uh, I don't remember, I don't think so.
Y/N: no he was not on the missions with the twins, it was before they put us as a team.
Nat: and the optimized, they're with HYDRA willingly?
Y/N: I have no clue, never asked, wasn't allowed to. Just "do the task and don't talk".
Thor: well we need to get the scepter back, its place is on Asgard. Just like Loki.
Y/N: the guy in the cell?
Bucky: yes, and he's dangerous so you don't talk to him alone.
Y/N: fine. So what are we waiting for? Let's go!
Clint: we still need to discuss if you come or not.
Y/N: even if you force me to stay here I'll find a way to leave so let's not get to that and just go.

*You leave the room to put on your suit and you join them at the jet. You fly to the location of the scepter and you recognize the place. You look at Bucky, all those memories coming back in your head. He takes your hand and try to smile, but you can see he doesn't like to be here either.*

Y/N: James and I will go first, we know the place and I think I can find the scepter.
Bucky: you know where it is?
Y/N: maybe, I have an idea. But I can't fight everyone alone so you guys need to have my back and I'll lead you to them. Be careful with the twins, they're strong.
Nat: what can they do?
Y/N: one has telekinesis, energy manipulation, and some form of neuroelectric interfacing and the other has superhuman speed, reflexes and accelerated perception.
Steve: speak english?
Y/N: the guy's fast and the girl's a manipulative bitch. Witch, sorry.
Steve: right. Let's go then.

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