Part 17 (en)

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*2 weeks later, at a hotel.*

Steve: why don't you come home?
Y/N: I don't have a home.
Steve: you don't mean that.
Y/N: yes I do! The compound is not my home, it's yours.
Steve: it's your home y/n, your friends are there, I'm there, please come back.
Y/N: my friends?
Steve: yes your friends. Nat, Wanda, Pietro, Bucky-
Y/N: Bucky's not my friend, neither are they. I barely know them Steve.
Steve: what happened when I was at the infirmary?
Y/N: nothing. I just realised I couldn't stay there, I don't feel welcomed, I don't feel home.
Steve: and you do at a hotel?
Y/N: no. I'm looking for a house, this is temporary.
Steve: can't the temporary be at the compound?
Y/N: please Steve stop pushing me! I told you I don't want to!
Steve: alright. Alright.
Y/N: thank you.
Steve: will you at least tell me the real reason? I know you're not telling me everything.
Y/N: because you don't want to hear it!
Steve: something happened when I was at the nursery.
Y/N: ...
Steve: it's Bucky isn't it?
Y/N: ...
Steve: tell me.
Y/N: I told you, you don't want to hear it.
Steve: tell me!
Y/N: James told me he loved me.
Steve: he what?
Y/N: see? Don't wanna hear it.
Steve: that's why you don't want to live at the compound? Because he said that?
Y/N: basically yes.
Steve: why? Because you don't want to hurt him seeing us together or because you still love him?
Y/N: I...
Steve: because you still love him... Great...
Y/N: but when I don't see him I don't think about him! That's why I'm getting a house, so we can stay together.
Steve: I can't do that.
Y/N: do what?
Steve: y/n... Bucky is my best friend you're obviously gonna run into him sometimes!
Y/N: not obviously.
Steve: so what? You're gonna create a calendar and see me only when I'm alone?
Y/N: yeah, it can work.
Steve: it won't. Y/n I love you, but it can't work like that.
Y/N: ...
Steve: you don't even love me back.
Y/N: of course I do!
Steve: then say it.
Y/N: ...
Steve: say that you love me and I'll believe you. But you have to mean it.
Y/N: I...
Steve: you can't. Because you love Bucky. And now that he told you he feels the same way your love is even stronger, am I mistaken?
Y/N: no... I'm sorry Steve, I never wanted to hurt you!
Steve: I know, you warned me, it's my fault, I should've listened to you.
Y/N: I'm really sorry... You're right, it doesn't work between us. I need a lot of time to forget him, maybe by then you'll still be single.
Steve: I'm not breaking up with you to give you time to forget Bucky, I'm doing it to make you realise your place is with him.
Y/N: what?
Steve: you two are meant to be together. It's been months and you're still in love with him as much as you were before. Your love for each other is too strong, you can't be apart, so do me a favor, and find him. All I want is for you to be happy.
Y/N: it doesn't matter what you say, he's with Jenna.
Steve: he doesn't even like her, he started dating her because he got drunk after you left and she was there. It was just a way to get over you.
Y/N: then why did he stayed with her?
Steve: isn't it obvious? Because he's still not over you!
Y/N: wha-
Steve: he's right, you are slow...
Y/N: he loved me all this time?
Steve: I thought that was pretty clear.
Y/N: of course not! After all he said about us! He said he didn't want to be with me! Why did he say that if he loved me?
Steve: because he thought he didn't deserve you!
Y/N: I know but I told him it was my choice to determine that!
Steve: he cares about you too much and he thought you wouldn't be happy with him.
Y/N: he can't decide for me.
Steve: it's Bucky, he's as stubborn as I am, maybe more.
Y/N: I can't believe it... If he just had told me that at the beginning you would've not ended up hurt.
Steve: we can't change what happened, and I don't regret those months with you.
Y/N: I don't either, I'm sorry I couldn't be the person you wanted me to be.
Steve: don't worry, I'll be fine.
Y/N: you always say that, you never are.
Steve: this time it's true. I assure you y/n, don't worry about me.
Y/N: thank you Steve. For everything you've ever done for me, and for not hating me.
Steve: I could never hate you.

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