Part 15 (en)

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Nat: oh my god what happened?!
Y/N: mister "I'm stubborn and I think I'm so strong and invincible" happened!
Steve: will you stop with that?!
Y/N: no Steve! You almost got killed back there and you didn't listen to anything I said!
Steve: because I was doing just fine!
Y/N: I don't care! You could've died and I would've blamed myself for the rest of my life! I can't let you die okay?!
Steve: but I didn't die, I'm fine!
Y/N: STOP SAYING YOU'RE FINE STEVE! You're bleeding everywhere, you can't even walk!
Nat: alright guys stop fighting, Steve I'm taking you to the infirmary. Y/n stay here.

*You give a murderous look to all those present in the room.*

Jenna whispering: that person is crazy.
Y/N: what did you just say?
Bucky: nothing y/n.
Y/N: I'm not talking to you James, I'm talking to your bitch.
Bucky: Y/N!
Jenna: what did you call me?!

*You smile mischievously.*

Bucky: y/n please just let go.
Jenna: they called me bitch!
Bucky: ...
Y/N: oh poor girl... Words hurt! Don't call me crazy ever again and I might not call you bitch!
Jenna: ugh.

*She leaves taking Bucky's arm who follows her, as it appears not willingly. Why is he even with her? Since when does Bucky likes girls like her? (just imagine the type of girl you hate and that's her ;)). You're angry at her, at him, at Steve, at everyone! HYDRA didn't try to kill Steve, they were here for you, Steve was just collateral damaged. It seems that they found out you were alive and they want you back. Just what you needed. The nightmares are less intense than before, but with HYDRA back, they will come back, stronger than ever.*

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