Part 13 (en)

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Y/N: Steve?! Can I take a t-shirt from your closet?
Steve: sure, isn't it a bit too large for you?
Y/N: well it'll be like a dress! It's hot outside and I only have stuff for winter. All my summer clothes are in the trash.
Steve: in the trash? Why?
Y/N: I had them during my 2 years around the world, I hate them now.
Steve: ask the girls to go shopping with you.
Y/N: shopping? Ugh please no, I'd rather put your clothes every day than go shopping.
Steve: really?!
Y/N: I hate shopping.
Steve: alright, whatever you like. How's the shirt?

*You come out of the bathroom in Steve's shirt that reaches just above your knees.*

Steve: it's cute.
Y/N: being short has its advantages.

*You smile and kiss him.*

Y/N: what are we doing today? Is there anywhere we can go and enjoy the sun?
Steve: well there's no beach around here but we can take a vacation.
Y/N: we can? What if they need us for superhero shit?
Steve: they have plenty of superheroes, we won't be missing.
Y/N: okay, well I won't say no to some time off. Especially if we go to the beach. And it'll be good to stop seeing some people.
Steve: yeah you're actually right.
Y/N: Tony still annoys you, doesn't he?
Steve: yeah...
Y/N: haha, I knew it. Let's go then. Pack your bags! We're going!
?: you're going?
Y/N: James! Uh, hi.
Bucky: what do you mean you're going?
Y/N: taking a break, away from the city and from this super exhausting hero life.
Steve: we're just taking a little vacation, somewhere near the beach.
Bucky: oh. Okay, I'm... happy... for you. Let us know when you come back.
Steve: of course Buck. Why were you here for?
Bucky: uh, I was just walking the hallway and I heard you were going, I was curious.
Steve: okay.
Bucky: ...
Y/N: bye bye!
Bucky: yeah, have a good trip.
Steve: thank you Buck.

*They smile at each other and Bucky takes a last look a you before leaving. It's been 3 months since Steve and you started dating but your feelings for Bucky are still as strong as before, you just managed to hide it better.*

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