Part 5 (en)

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Bucky: you're okay doll?
Y/N: I'm fine.
Bucky: what's going on?
Y/N: I said I'm fine James.

*He grabs your arm making you turn to face him.*

Bucky: talk to me.
Y/N: I... it's nothing, just Fury pissing me off. He wants me to write him a report about my years in HYDRA just when I come back.
Bucky: he what? Where is he? I'm gonna kill that asshole.
Y/N: don't do that James, I said it's fine, and if someone's gonna punch him in the face I want it to be me.
Bucky: sure.
Y/N: thanks.
Bucky: stay with me here.
Y/N: what do you mean here? With the Avengers? In the compound?
Bucky: yeah.
Y/N: James I'm not sure if it's a good idea, I don't know anyone here.
Bucky: you know me.
Y/N: ...
Bucky: please?
Y/N: fine, I'll stay, but only because it's you.
Bucky: come on I'll show you your room.
Y/N: damn I haven't slept in a bed since 2 years...

*Bucky takes you to the elevator and you run into Tony.*

Tony: oh hi, where are you going?
Bucky: to find a room where she can stay, Steve said it was okay.
Tony: yeah sure why not, go on the 2nd floor there's an empty room.
Y/N: thank you.

*You go to the 2nd floor and you search for the empty room. When you finally find it, Bucky leaves you alone so you can settle in, with the few stuff you have. When you're done, you search for him and Vision tells you where his room is. You knock on the door.*

Bucky: come in! Oh hey y/n how's your new room?
Y/N: it's just a room but I'm happy to have a bed.
Bucky: how are you?
Y/N: I don't know, it feels weird, to be here, with you, and to not worry about someone wanting to kill me. I've spent the last 2 years overthinking every move I did, covering my tracks, I was afraid 24/7 to see someone from HYDRA and I don't know if I'm glad they never came or not.
Bucky: why would you say that? Are you not happy to be alive?
Y/N: I am now but after a month of running, all I wanted was for them to find me and kill me, just so I could rest.
Bucky: Oh doll... Now you're safe.
Y/N: yeah maybe.
Bucky: you're safe y/n. And I'm here to protect you.
Y/N: maybe I'M here to protect you.
Bucky: I'm stronger than you.
Y/N: I could take you down in a minute.
Bucky: and I could take you down in 30 seconds, I'm faster than you.
Y/N: but I'm smarter.

*You smile and sit next to him on his bed, looking at your feet.*

Y/N: do you ever think about HYDRA, the Winter Soldier, everything you did?
Bucky: all the time. Do you?
Y/N: all the time...
Bucky: you remember everything?
Y/N: all of it, every little detail... Every person I killed, tortured, every time I would go on that stupid machine, all the pain I've felt, every time we were in that room, the only moments of peace...

*You raise your head and try to smile, but Bucky sees it's fake and hugs you, stroking your hair.*

Bucky: it's gonna be okay doll... I promise, I'm here for you and I will always be you know that?
Y/N: I know... I'm here too.
Bucky: I know.

*Steve comes into the room and Bucky steps back, letting you go but still his hand on yours.*

Steve: oh sorry to interrupt but if you want to eat, everyone is downstairs.
Bucky: thanks Steve we're coming.

*Steve leaves and Bucky looks at you with a warm smile and he kisses your forehead.*

Bucky: come on let's go, they're gonna love you.
Y/N: of course, if they love you it's gonna be easy to love me.
Bucky: hey!

*You laugh and join everyone at the table. You sit next to Bucky and Natasha.*

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