Part 4 (en)

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Y/N: the Avengers?!
Nat: hi!
Y/N: yeah that was pretty obvious I don't know why I didn't understand sooner.
Bucky: 'cause you're slow.
Y/N: yeah but you're dumb.
Bucky: it's so good to have you back.

*You both laugh remembering your past.*

Bucky: anyway, y/n this is everyone, everyone this is y/n, a friend from my time in HYDRA and my partner in crime.
Y/N: literal crimes, not the expression...
Steve: I guess you know all their names.
Y/N: yep
Steve: great then, there's someone who wants to see you.

*You follow him to another room where you see Nick Fury sitting in a chair.*

Y/N: Fury.
Nick: y/n! Glad to see you alive.
Y/N: yeah sure, it's not like you didn't already know.
Nick: we looked for you.
Y/N: we both know that's not true.
Nick: look y/n we did everything we could to find you but HYDRA was impossible to track.
Y/N: I found them, how do you think I ended up captured?
Nick: you're a very good agent, you were probably the only one to find their lair.
Y/N: I'm not the only good agent of S.H.I.E.L.D Fury, and you had all the ressources.
Nick: the only thing that matters is that now you're safe and free, HYDRA thinks you're dead.
Y/N: yeah I've heard. Where have you been the past 2 years?
Nick: we searched you. How do you think we found you in Norway?
Y/N: it took you 2 years. It took me one week to find HYDRA, you never found them, and then it took you 2 YEARS! 2 years to find me. Fury I sent a sign to S.H.I.E.L.D informing you that I was alive and I needed help. I gave you a code, with my location, no one came.
Nick: ...
Y/N: and don't tell me something was more important than saving my ass. You have multiple agents and not a single one showed up.
Nick: look y/n I'm sorry but this is the past now.
Y/N: the past... yeah...
Nick: you can send your report to me or agent Coulson, we'll look into it.
Y/N: my report... I can't believe you. You want me to give you all the information I have on HYDRA? You're serious right now?
Nick: yes y/n it can be extremely useful.
Y/N: did James had to give you a report?
Nick: no because he's not S.H.I.E.L.D.
Y/N: yeah, so I risk my life for years in the worst organisation of this fucking planet and as soon as I come back you want me to give you a report. That's not gonna happen Fury. And you forget that I was not infiltrated in HYDRA I was a prisoner then I was brainwashed then I was their soldier, then I was on the run for 2 years living with nothing because I thought I was gonna die any time.
Nick: you're still an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D y/n and we need this report.
Y/N: well you won't get it. I'm out of here.

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