Eugene x Reader

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Chapter 1

I have went out with Ethan, Zion, and Eugene today to look for food. I come across an abandoned mall and I jump in excitement. "Why don't we go over there? It seems like it has a lot of resources, and we also get to have fun exploring" I say. Zion shakes his head. "No way, if you want to go, go by yourself. It's too risky y/n" he said, still walking.
"Alright then" I shrug and start running towards the mall, I really didn't care if I encountered a zombie. Lawrence taught me many strategies to use in case I'm in a dangerous situation. "HEY Y/N, DO I REALLY HAVE TO CHASE AFTER YOU?" Eugene shouts, loud enough for me to hear but not too loud to alert the zombies. I giggle as I reach the mall, and go inside one of the stores to hide from them. I hear Eugene run past my spot and check if Ethan and Zion followed. I heard their footsteps so I hid behind a wall. I check to see if the coast is clear and decide to look around. I walked into what seems like a food court, and an arcade! Jackpot!

I look around and see a claw machine with stuffed animals. I smile and grab the closest thing to hit the glass with. When it broke it made a really loud crash. "Ow" i grab my arm, realizing one of the glass shards hit my arm. It wasn't a big one, but it still hurt a bit. I reach into the claw machine and get one of the stuffed bears. I grab another one.
I wanted to give it to Eugene, I think he would like the present. I hear the three of them running over here. "Thank god your safe" Zion sighs. "You had me worried" Eugene says pulling you into a hug. "Since when were you such a touchy person?" You laugh, Eugene scoffs and immediately pushes you away.
"Forget what I said and did, I hate you for making me run over here, I was almost out of breath" he crossed his arms. I sigh and smile. "Hey, but I got you this to repay you" I held out the stuffed bear and I see his eyes sparkle. "For me?" he asks, I nod and he takes it. Zion laughs.
"I'm just accepting it because I didn't want to be rude" he says, putting it in his backpack. I look down, frowning. "Whatever, but we can thank y/n because we did end up finding a lot of useful items we can bring back" Zion smiles. I look up at him and slightly smile. We hear a crash in the mall, I tense up. We all look around and see a zombie in the store I was in, but why is he-
"Run" Zion says. Eugene grabs my hand and we all run. The zombie was faster and seemed stronger than the others we encountered. We all run as fast as possible but suddenly Eugene lets go of my hand and I fall. I panic and quickly try to get up but as soon as that happens the zombie grabs my leg.

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