Ethan x Reader III

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As our group talks about things like whos going to patrol tonight and who will be guarding and stuff I look down the whole time scared to have eye contact with Ethan, but I guess God hated me because Ethan went up to me and I start blushing.

"Hey, Thanks for the help last night" he says awkwardly

"Yeah, No problem" I respond awkwardly

I guess neither of us wanted to talk today. I look up at where everyone is talking and always find Lawrence staring at us for some reason, then we all hear some knock/pounding on the gate. Ethan grabs his bat.

"I'll open it" he said

In my mind I was hoping it wasn't a zombie and that he would be safe, but there's a high chance of it being a zombie. We all wait a while for Ethan to get back up, so just in case if he took to long we would go rescue him. For a little while we hear him coming back, but not alone. As he walks in someone popped behind him.

"I found someone" he said

"H-hey" the girl said

She looked like Eugene's age.

"What?! A new one!?" Scarlett says

"Ugh, just shut up Scarlett" Lawrence says

"Check her up girls" Harry said

I tell the girl to come to a class so we can check her up, which was Judy and Me, just to make sure. We checked her and in the meanwhile we managed to get her name. She was Stephanie, and she was lonely since her family went somewhere else while the apocalypse happened. I was kinda sad about the news because she was worried sick for her family, and hoped that they were okay. We came back to the group and told them that she was all good.

"Thanks you guys, but if I'm a problem than I could go" Stephanie said

"Yeah, she should go" Scarlett said

"Scarlett! Don't be so rude" Harry said annoyed

We all introduce ourselves to her everything. I told her she could sleep with Judy and Me. After that was "dinner". Well, to our surprise Stephanie had a bunch of food for us. We loved the food and turns out she made it in a fireplace in an abandoned house, and she had left overs, so that was good. As we went to sleep she asked us questions.

"What do you guys do here?" she asked

"Well, we patrol, eat you know, make sure everything is okay around the school" Judy says

"Oh! I think I saw a hardware store close! We could go tomorrow and get supplies" she said

"That's great Stephanie!" I said

"Also, what is it with the cute guys?" she said

Me and Judy look at each other and laugh.

"Sorry! I'm just... never mind! Just forget what I said!" she said

"Don't worry, I think the same" I said

We all laugh and then I fall asleep thinking of Ethan.


Sorry that I don't post that much but I'm getting a lot of reads and I'll try and post more!

So I'm now putting my fans in my stories to make it interesting :)

SO how you can do that is just comment "Can I be in your next story" and then your name so I can write you in my next story :)

If I get a lot of request I'll probably stop this because some people will get sad that they aren't in the stories so yeah..

Thanks for Reading!

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