Lawrence x Reader I

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It was another lonely day, trying to survive. I miss everyone I was close too. I don't really care if I died by the zombies. I went to get food, but other zombies were there. Suddenly, I dropped a can and startle. The zombie came close to me and my body just stands there, what would be the point in surviving anyways? I suddenly hear a loud thud. "Hey, what are you doing just standing there?" a guy in red hair shouts.

I jump a little, but then he grabs my arm and runs back to what seems to be his group of friends. "What took you so long?" a short guy with blonde hair. "Well, seems you saved someone" a guy with grey hair says. "Let's just hurry up and go" a tall guy with black hair says. I guess they let me go with them because they protected me like I seemed important to them. We reach a gate and the tall guy with black hair opens it and lets us in, as he watches for zombies. "H-hey, I-I didn't even I-introduce m-myself" I manage to say this with the little bit of air in my lungs. These guys ran so fast, I almost slipped.

"Well, I'm Lawrence" he says, holding his hand out. He seems like a basic guy, real smart and kind. "I'm Y/N, nice to meet you" I say shaking his warm and soft hands. "I'm Harry" the grey haired guy said, as he waved at me. I smile at him. As everyone introduced themselves to me, a sudden door opens. It's a beautiful girl with blonde hair. "Who is she?" the pretty girl says, in a very unkind tone. I just tilt my head sideways because this girl seemed nice. I guess I was wrong. As she starts an argument on whether I'm infected or not, I head over to Lawrence.

"Can I go to sleep now, I'm kind of tired" I ask Lawrence, looking up at him. He nods and lead me to my new room. I sit down on the cold floor, at least it's something. Lawrence hands me a worn out blanket. "I really appreciate it, I'm sorry I'm causing such a chaotic fight" I say, looking down. "I don't mind, I hope everything just ends and we are all back to peace" Lawrence says, giving me a big smile. His smile gives me hope. I nod and give a faint smile, probably all crooked.

{ Time Skip }

I wake up to the sound of people arguing. Are we at this again? Might as well leave so everyone would be at peace. I grab my backpack and try to slip by the group of people arguing. Of course, since everyone can hear the sound of me opening the door, they all look at me. "Hey, where are you going?" Lawrence asked me. "Leaving, so everyone will stop fighting" I say, clenching my fists. "You got this all wrong, we're not fighting" Lawrence says, giving me another smile of hope once again.

"We were discussing on who's going to do the night watch today" Lawrence says, placing his hand on my shoulder. I faintly smile back at him. I grab my bag and go back to my room. I throw my bag into my room and walk back to the group that's discussing. "I could do the night watch" I say, now giving a big smile. Harry has a shocked emotion on his face and I just keep on smiling.

[ Author's Note ]

I'm sorry I haven't been updating this book. I will be updating this book and finishing the book soon with another Eugene x Reader. I'm also trying out a new writing style, so it's a little more organized

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