Ethan x Reader IX

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It's another day without Judy. Ethan seems a bit off from often but it's probably just me. Lawrence is always around me, ever since Judy disappeared. Stephanie and Eugene seem a little close, always being together. Luz is also very close with Harry, why is everyone so close to each other? (HEY, I love Eugene okay?) So is Zion and Scarlett, yet me and Ethan still haven't gotten close. I just.. maybe should.. never mind

"Hey Ethan?" I say, walking up to him. He nods. "You... seem off" I say, looking at him. He responds with a confused face. "Your not yourse-" Ethan interrupts me. "I'm the same Ethan" he says, smiling. I blush a little, again with that smile. "Maybe its because I found out I li-" Lawrence walks in. "Hey guys, you know food's ready" he says, smiling. "Oh yeah.." I say, as we both walk into the kitchen.

"Hey guys! Hope you like the food" Stephanie says. "It's gonna be so g- bad" Eugene says, looking at the soup, ready to dig in. "Yeah, it will be good" Harry says.

We're done eating and I walk towards Ethan. "Hey, what were you going to tell me?" I asked. He looks at me. I spot a little blush on his cheeks. "I like you... not as a friend, but more" Ethan says. I can start hearing my heart beat. "I like you too.." I say, smiling. I can't believe it. We just confessed our feelings. Now what? Will Ethan disappear too?

Authors Note

Soo I'm back, again and I'm just trying to finish Ethan, Zion, and Lawrence's story so I could finish this fanfiction. So I'm sorry I couldn't write any more, its because I'm not into Dangerous fellows anymore and I feel like I'm just making the character's personalities different than they actually are.

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