Ethan x Reader VII

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It was a good day, me and Ethan had some alone time, everyone was happy, and the food was so good thanks to Stephanie's cooking. When all of a sudden we hear Eugene walk in. "Hey, have you guys seen Judy?" he asks. Stephanie looks around. "Now that I think about it, I haven't seen her today" she said nervously. "She's probably somewhere around here.." I say in hope, of course! She didn't go out! She would never! "Ethan, should we go look for her?" I ask him. He nods. "I could go! I want to help" Stephanie says. Eugene also steps forward. "Me too" he says looking at Stephanie. We all get out and start looking for Judy.

~Time Skip~

"We couldn't-" I cut Stephanie off. "We will find her! She is probably upstairs now, where everyone else is! This might just be a misunderstanding!" I panic and run upstairs. "Shh" Ethan whispers. I went into the meeting room to find everyone. "I was informed about Judy just now and-" I cut off Lawrence off by sobbing. Lawrence runs up to me and hugs me, I would have never thought Lawrence would hug like that. Judy, where are you? Your probably okay, right? I just want to find you...

Authors Note

Hello everyone! Long time no see! I hope you guys are having a great day! Just an FYI that I WILL TAKE LONG to finish this Ethan one... I'm just going to start high school next year and all this high school application and stuff is STRESSING ME OUT!! Thank you all for waiting super long ^^

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