Ethan x Reader X

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- Judy  《 REMOVED
- Scarlett  REMOVED
- Stephanie REMOVED
- Ethan  《YOUR NEXT

It has been a very scary place to be in now, Judy is missing, Scarlett was found dead, Stephanie was also found dead. We're just not safe in this place anymore. Me and Ethan didn't want to tell anyone about our relationship but Lawrence found out when he walked in on us. We were kissing..
He was shocked and after that didn't want to even talk to me. Everyone is off. Eugene was very sad when Stephanie died. I'm still hurting over my best friends not being here. Luz is still alive. I am too. I just want to runaway already..
"Hey, Y/N" Luz says, walking up to me. "Hey Luz" I say back. "I know who it is.." she says, whispering. "Wh-what!?" I say, so she know who is actually killing everyone? "Its.. Lawrence" she says staring at her feet. "It's..
Lawrence... who killed my friends?" I say, in shock. Luz nods. "I saw him kill Stephanie..." she says, her voice trembles. I hug her and we both start crying. I felt even worse because she saw her own friend die. "I don't want to die Y/N" Luz says. "We will get out of here, and together" I say, hugging her tighter.

We go out to get more supplies, after a long time of not getting supplies. I notice a poster. It says something about survivors? And there's a military base! "Guys! I found something" I say, holding the poster. "We.. can actually live" Eugene says. "Guy's, we should.. leave!" I say, smiling with glee. I know 'they' would want this. "We'll get ready tonight!" Harry says, smiling. Ethan looks at me and smiles. Maybe we could have a happy ending

We go back and check up on Luz and Zion. "GUYS! LUZ IS GONE!" Zion says, shouting. I tremble. "Lawrence found out..." I say. "Lawrence" Harry asks me. "Lawrenc-" I get interrupted by Ethan. "Lawrence is the murderer" Ethan says. "How come you guys never said anything!?" Eugene says. "I COULD HAVE SAVED HER, WE ALL COULD HAVE SAVED THEM!!" Eugene starts shouting. "I don't even care if I die anymore..." Eugene says as he leaves the room. "Let's look for Luz" Harry says.

We had nothing...
We couldn't find Luz, and this is all my fault. I should have said something earlier. "Hey, we will make it tonight.. They would have wanted it" Ethan says, hugging me. "I'm sorry... I just hope they're happy..." I say. I get my bag and meet up with the group. "Where's Eugene?" Zion says. "He.. didn't want to come.." Harry says. "Try to convince him Zion!" I say, knowing Eugene and Zion were very close friends. Zion then comes out, dragging Eugene. "FINE! I'LL GO BUT STOP DRAGGING ME!!" Eugene shouts. He gets up and hold his backpack. "We-" I get interrupted by a glass break. "What was that!" Ethan says, pulling me closer to him. "THE GLASS BROKE GET OUT FROM THE OTHER WAY!!" Zion shouts. We all panic and run towards the other exit. Ethan stays on guard just in case any zombies come close. We find the exit and we break the glass and jump out. I cut my skin a little, but I just didn't want to die tonight. "I HOPE LAWRENCE KNOWS WHAT HE'S DOING THAT SON OF A-" I stop Zion. "He knows what he did..." I said.

We got to the Military bunker, we made it. We all had cuts and bruises. The soldiers checked us up. We were all good. Ethan and me hugged each other in relief. We did it, we survived!

Authors Note

Who should I write next?
     >> Zion
     >> Lawrence

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