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!!!WARNING: This chapter has a LOT of spoilers to the game Dangerous Fellows. So I recommend skipping to the next chapter if your not on at least chapter 10!!!

I wake up and hear nothing. All is silent at this schoolhouse. I walk out to the meeting room and see no one talking.

"What's wrong?" Y/N

"Have you seen Judy?" Eugene said

"Now that I think about it, No I haven't" Y/N

"She was supposed to go out with Ethan for food, but she isn't here" Harry

I gasp. Wait what? Judy wouldn't do that. I know she wouldn't.

"Well, then who should go with Ethan?" Zion

"I could" Y/N

"Same" Lawrence

"I can go to" Eugene

I look at him and smile. Yay! Eugene gets to come. I see him look away and put his hand on his neck. I giggle a little.

~~~~~Skip to going out~~~~~

I stand next to Eugene on the way out and our hands are so close too.. Ethan is in front of course because he'll probably kill all the zombies that come close to us. We walk to a pharmacy and look in there. I take all the prescriptions that seem helpful in the future. If we make it through... As I look around I hear someone whisper scream

"Come look at this!" Eugene

"Aw, Its an arcade machine" Y/N

"Yeah and look at the prizes" Eugene

"Yeah, but we should play!" Y/N

I look on the floor and found a quarter. I put it in the machine and start to play. Eugene tries to take control of the handle as I try to play.

"I can do it better" Eugene

"I found the coin at least let me play!" Y/N

I didn't realize that our hands were touching until he holds on tighter. I stood there for a second in shock. He looks at our hand and then looks at me.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Authors Note~

(For my 1 reader so far :| )

Sorry for the cliffhanger but I got school and freaking homework :( . But I'll try to update chapters each day. Next story is going to be Harry because 1) Who doesn't love our sweet and innocent boy! and 2) Because the only reader so far likes Harry and I want to do something for my only reader too xD. Oh well...

~Stephanie <3

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