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I woke up to the sound of everyone discussing. Oh, Right! I walk out of my classroom and see everyone staring at me

"Good Morning" Y/N

"Good Morning" Eugene

"Hey Y/N, we were just talking about you" Judy

"Yeah, would you like to do night watch with this child?" Zion

"IM NOT A-" Eugene

"Sure, I'd be glad to" Y/N

Eugene looks at me very surprised. Zion laughs and says "Great".

"So, you're bringing the chips tonight right?" Eugene

"Uhh If we have some" Y/N

"Alright" Eugene

~Skip to Night Watch~

I wake up and get out of the classroom quietly. I would not want to wake Judy up. I walk over to the second floor with chips in my hand. I don't know why I should even bring chips for Eugene. I stand at the second floor hallway. I don't see Eugene but hear a beautiful piano melody. I walk into an old music room. Eugene stops playing and stand up quickly.

"H-hey I didn't see you there" Eugene

"Sorry, I was just looking for you" Y/N

"Its okay" Eugene

I sit in front of the piano and pat the room next to me. Eugene sits down and looks at me with confusion.

"Can you play a melody for me?" Y/N

~~~~~ (Eugene POV)~~~~~

"Can you play a melody for me" Y/N

I look at her surprised. Was she overhearing me playing the piano a while ago? I focus again and look at the piano.

"I'll try.." I said

"Don't worry! You'll play like a boss" Y/N

I laugh at her language she's using. Boss? Who the heck uses that word. I calm down and play a little piano for her. While I play I feel kind of embarrassed. When I finish she claps her hand. I put my hand on my neck and laugh nervously. I MAKE IT SO OBVIOUS!!!!

"That was wonderful!" Y/N

"T-thanks" Eugene

She smiles widely and I feel my face heating up. She shows out a bag of chips.

"CHIPS!" Eugene

"Hey, you're going to share right?" Y/N

"Mmm? Maybe?" Eugene

"Oh, right we have to go back" Y/N

"Oh, right" Eugene

"You can have the whole bag if you want" Y/N

I nod and we get up to go to bed. In my mind I tell myself how childish I am but how she loves the pouty person I am.

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